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The sunlight from the window entered the room and whispered alarms on my shut eyes, I tried to move my face on the other side but was unable to do so. Something soft and wet was in my way, I was feeling hot and ticklish the same time. Without any doubt I opened my eyes to see my golden ball licking my face.
"good morning to you too dodieeeee" I caressed his head ans scratched his back for him as my daily routine. He wagged his tail and crossed my body again and again from here to there.
I knew this message, he was feeling excited and wanted a morning petroling right now. I climbed off the bed wore my flip flops and went to the washroom. I looked at my reflection and saw a beautiful girl looking back at me. I knew I was beautiful because my face resembled a lot from my mother and she was a beauty to be swear upon.
My eyes are hers, exact same and my hair are too same color as her- chocolate brown which shines to turn black in light. I shake off the thought and washed my face tied my hair into a bun and finally took off for the morning session of my dog.
Dad was probably still sleeping as he didn't bother me with his remarks and queries about where I am going.
Doodle was silently wagging his tail all the way to stairs and even outside the door.
I looked around to see silence and peace. This place was quiet and it was also very clean. There were houses built near to each other but not even a single mention of clumsiness was there. I looked around in search of a park or ground so where we can go but it was visible yet. I walked past the house of that boy Harris and a thought of asking him for the park appeared in the head but I jerked it off as soon as I realized it. 

we crossed around three streets and I turned back disappointing without finding a park. Something in doodle lightened and he started walking too fast  turning here and there  and there we ended up in front of a park. Morning Glory says the board on it and I smiled at the smartness of my dog. 

I entered the park after reading the notice that dags were allowed in there and after that Doodle was as usual in his own world. He ran across the footpath and played over the  bushes and revolved around the trees. He is truly a nature  loving boy. After making sure that he was safe and enjoying his privacy I walked in the opposite  direction on the footpath. I saw few kids playing around with a ball and I thought that tomorrow I will bring doodle's ball with me.

I was walking and reached to the middle of the park when I saw that boy Harris again. This is so scary now, how is he everywhere I go and with no time barriers. Its fucking six in the morning.

Without waiting for real second I turned my back to him and hoped he had not seen me but as lucky as I am a childlike voice stopped me from 'disappearing'.

"Heyy Stopp!" He asked

I turned with a slomotion move as they show in movies, trying my best to be dramatic.

"Good morning, Its nice to see youuuu" that stretch in you irritated me alot

" Not the same"

"Is jennet too here?"

"No, he is not here" I lied obviously

''Oh, I thought we could play"

I ignored his "sad" look and was about to go when his expression went from awe so sad to of an excited monkey and he said again " Meet my brother" pointing downwards to the ground?

His brother is an ant or a dog which I can not see because of the bushes.

" Invisible?"

"What? oh no wait he is doing the plank, workout you know. wait "

" Sure bragger"

Get up bro she is waiting and he kicked his leg  to shake his brother maybe who is still not visible to me. 

Then the sounds of laughs entered my ears which was not of that squeky child but a bit more masculine. He appeared in front of my eyes with that same stupid smile of his brother and I could see the regular workout affect on him right there. 

"hey, sorry actually I was just an the end of it."

" Doesn't matter" I turned and my eyes immediately caught the golden ball running towards this direction and this moment I wanted to shout on Doodle for seeking me.

" I told you Jennet is so cute" The child spoke and got my attention

" Shut up you ! " I yelled at him and his  brother just stared at me as if I was a mad  person. This boy startled when I spoke and  whispered a little sorry to me. To which his brother glared for angrily at me and said " You can not yell at him like this."

"Whatever you say" I rolled my eyes more dramatically to irritate him and as if it worked I could feel his angry blood boiling now.

I am enjoying the brief moment of my victory when this ungratefull dog jumped all over the little boy and was just so happy to see him.

Harris was looking a bit shy from caressing doodle maybe because of my yelling session but I am happy he learnt his limit fast. 

"Lets go " I mouthed and gestured doodle to come.

" Can I please play with him for a bit?"  the boy pleaded.

I was thinking of an answer to give when doodle ran opposite to the other side and  Harris followed him like his tail. I was about to shout his name when  the brother spoke.

"Let him play for a while , he loves dog"

"oh.. That is why he loves you."

" You are generally this rude or is it a special occasion?"

" Don't act like you know me." I replied to him

" I never did"

"I am Aaron by the way"  He  again showed me his teeth with that smile.


" Are you out of your pills?"

I stared at his face on his dumb question and then he continued his rubbish with the comment 

" Forgetting basic replies to conversations is a symptom of a disorder I guess." 

"Don't you speak a lot for a dog?"

" You sure are funny. What is your name?"


I could always sleep peacefully in a forest full of animals instead of dealing with people who act so fucking happy and content at their lives. It really disgusts me.

Doodle finally came and noticed me waiting for him. He joined me back to the way home and I could hear that Aaron guy speaking something like "He loved Jennet too"

With that disgusting comment I walked off the path with just being surprised at those words.

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