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"You does not look like a music person to me." I initiated the conversation after an awkward silence of five minutes into the car. I was expecting a sarcastic remark but nothing came as a reply, I saw her from the corner of eyes and she was busy into her phone. I rolled me eyes dramatically which was again ignored by her. I reach out to turn on the stereo to which she spoke instantly.

" Don't do that." she was still looking into her phone as if purposely ignoring me.

" This is my car and I can do.."

" Stop crying like a kid okay? I know this is your car, I came only because I didn't know the place and you were going there. So technically you dragged me here."

" You are not that easy to be dragged" I chuckled unwillingly and that got her attention. She put her phone onto her lap and turned her head towards my side and I could not stop my smile from spreading. She has zero patience.

" What is so funny?" She barked

" nothing " I said still struggling for stopping my smile.

" Such a loser." she said

" exactly" I added.

" Stop acting so cool and sarcastic"

" Ya sure, I would advice that to you."

" Shut up ! " Jenny screamed like screamed.

" Woah calm there dude. " I laughed not even trying to hide it anymore. " Such a baby you are ,  wanting every time to stand first." I added in between my laughs.

" No.. thats not it"

" see.." I added stoping the car and getsuring my hand for her to see herself.

" Ya fine " she said closing the car door after getting out but the thing that caught my attention was that dimple on her right cheek which was now on the show because she was smiling. 

Holy shit.. This is so not okay. What is with those beautiful faces and rude mouths.

I slammed the door and ran to keep up her pace and she was still struggling with her smile which she was hiding? Why? I was about to comment on it when she stop on her place and stood all stiff. I watched her eyes which were now placed at some one in front of her and I turned to look at what was that which was having her undivided attention.

There stood a guy who too was staring at jennet. He was holding a bunch of papers in his hands and he looked at her as if he knew her. Which was obvious by her face and reaction but something told me that this meeting was surely unplanned and she was not happy to see him.

He was wearing a black Tee shirt with something wriyyen on it which was surely not in english language. He moved ahead and he was now few steps away from jennet and his eyes were still fixed at her and he looked astonished or I should say flabbergasted. On the other hand jennet looked uncomfortable and stiff in her demure, I was about to comment tobreak the ice but then the black tee spoke.

" Hey, I was not expecting you here." He spoke very awkwardly.

Jenny looked as if she was unsure of something and wanted to scream and shout at that boy. May be I was imagining  things but sure she did look pissed. 

" I shifted here few weeks back." She whispered more to herself than to him.

" Still chasing me yaa?" he joked

No one laughed. Loser.

" You wish" Wait. Did I just said that? Fuck

Why the hell is my arm wrapped around her shoulder with her eyes still at that boy in front of us.

" Oh , new friend? finally?" he commented.

" They call it friend at your place? We still say boyfriend here " I replied.

To which Jennet looked up at me and I saw something which I was not expecting at all. Her dimple , she was smiling at me because of me. Her smile was reaching to her eyes and  she was smiling.. smiling..

" Boyfriend?" He laughed

"Does your friend has Hearing aid jenz?"  I asked to which her smile brightened and the guy in front us melted in the heat that his own body was providing due to humiliation.

" I am not her friend, I am sure she must have told you about me."

" Umm, let me think. No , no she haven't. "

" Still not confident enough to reveal me babe?" He spoke which somehow baited my knuckles to join to his jaw.

" You are not important enough to be reminded . I guess." I spoke and this time I too was stunned at my nasty remark. wow.

" Let's go" Jennet said as she held onto my grip on her shoulder and we entered the building with that asshole and his hanging mouth to the floor.

 As we entered into the building the all smily girl was gone and back was the annoying girl.

" What was that?" She asked 

" Still struggling to find out." I sighed

Her eyes shot straight into mine and she was about to ramble her speech when her phone rang and she looked at the screen to take it. She answered the call and mouthed me a "  I will see you later" to me with her two fingers poking just before  my eyes.

I was scared.

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