Chapter 1

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Seven Years Later

It has been seven years since Y/N left his old family. In that time, he trained to control his semblance and use it to its full potential, he died his hair H/C and found a way to change his eye color from green to E/C, abandoning every trait of the Nikos line. It still hurts him today, but Y/N is done with focussing on the past. The young man has done his best to get accepted into Beacon after...well, it wasn't normal for him. You see, Y/N didn't go to Vale on his own two feet. No no no, he actually was sealed away in a metal container. And around him was a dark liquid which manifested to a solid kind of crystaline substance, restraining the boy from moving or even attempting to break free from his prison.

Right now, he sits in the headmaster's office, looking around with a death glare. Y/N doesn't feel comfortable in this place, yet there is no sense of danger for the time being. His outfit has changed too, making him look more professional and that brings him a bit of joy. Not that Y/N would show it on the outside. A mment later the elevator arrives and the doors open to reveal the man behind the mystery: Ozpin. He holds his cane in one hand and his coffee mug in the other, walking towards the big desk between him and Y/N. Ozpin himself observes the boy shortly before sitting down and opening a file of the soon-to-be student.

Ozpin:" So...your name is...Y/N Nikos. Is that right?"

Suddenly a piece of paper lands in front of him, signaling that Y/N has no intension to use his voice at all.

Y/N(note):" Do not ever use this last name again! I abandoned that family and that life for a good reason. I'm known as Y/N L/N now and I want to be adressed with that name. Otherwise anyone who dare brings up my family will be in trouble. Do you understand?"

Ozpin:" I see...Say Y/N, do you know why you were in this container?"

Y/N just shakes his head no and continues to look away from the man in front of him. His eyes give off a lot of pain and anger towards anyone who even tries to break through his shell at this point in his life.

Ozpin:" You are 19 years old now. I see that you didn't go to an actual huntsman academy before, but recordings of your adventures tell me you possess the skill to be here...Tell me: what is it that you seek?"

Y/N(paper):" I am looking for my true self, knowing I could be something my parents never believed me to be. I always wanted to be a huntsman to prove people wrong. They cast me out, called me a loser, pushed me around and made me the scapegoat for whatever was happening. I was close to showing these bullies their place when it all went even further down.......When my parents threw me into the basement and beat me. They forgot my birthday, they barely gave me food or water, I didn't sleep at all for a long time...When I ran, I was barely able to save myself until I used my semblance..."

Ozpin:" Your semblance seems rather...unique so to speak. What exactly does it do?"

Y/N(paper):" The semblance is called 'Deceiver' and it gives me the ability to lock enemies in an alternate reality where everything around them rots and falls apart. When activated, my looks change and I behave almost like....a criminal you would say. A sadistic smile creeps its way on my face while my body emmits a dark fog. This causes fear to break out in whoever it is I locked in with me."

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