Chapter 2

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In the evening everyone gathers in the ballroom with their sleeping bags and so on, making themselves comfortable. For many it may feel cramped in there, others view it as a big party, although nobody really knows anybody around yet. Ruby and Yang on the other hand see it almost the same way and still too differently. For Yang, the whole thing is more positive.

Yang:" It's like a biiiig slumber party!"

Ruby:" I don't think dad would approve of all the boys, though."

Yang:" I know I do~"

Her gaze glides around the room, appreciating all the topless guys around her when suddenly Jaune steps into view. He's wearing a blue onesie, making himself look stupid enough for two. That puts a damper on Yang's excitement in a heartbeat, but then she shifts her eyes back to Ruby. Curious to what's going on, the blond asks her younger sister.

Yang:" What's that?"

Ruby:" A letter to the gang back at Signal. I promised to tell them all about Beacon and how things are going."

Yang:" Awwwww, that's so cuuuuuuute!"

Yang just aked for the next part as she is shut up by a pillow to the face. Rubys' expression tells that it's not as funny as her sister thinks it may be.

Ruby:" Shut up. I didn't get to take my friends with me to school. It's weird not knowing anyone here."

Yang:" What about Jaune? He seems...nice. There you go! Plus one friend! That's 100% increase."

Ruby:" I'm pretty sure Weiss counts as a 'negative friend'. Back to zero."

Yang:" There's no such thing as 'negative friends'. You just made one friend and one enemy...Look, it's only been one day. Trust me, you've got friends all around you. You just haven't met them yet...Aside from that other guy. What was his deal anyway?"

Ruby:" His name is Y/N and I don't know. Maybe he just had a bad day or something."

Yang:" How could the first day at Beacon be so bad that he wears a frown on his face all the time?"

Ruby:" Maybe something happened before he came here. I guess we could talk to him before or after initiation."

Yang:" Yeah...And hey, that's two friends for you already. So 66%."

Ruby:" Ugh, you and your stupid math...That girl."

The girl she is refering to is the same one that joined in when Weiss was scolding Ruby earlier in the day. She had the dust vile in her hand when she came over to try and break up the conflict.

Yang:" You know her?"

Ruby:"Not really...She saw what happened this morning, but left before I could say anything."

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