Chapter 5

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The entire afternoon already passed and the search for Y/N has proven fruitless. Pyrrah and the rest of her team were searching through every posible store, cafe and restaurant, asking everyone about the H/C haired boy, but nobody was able to help them. Pyrrah was very frustrated because of it, but a single ring of her scroll has her attention immediatly. she takes out the small device and opens a message from Yang, who happens to be in some sort of club. There is a picture involved in the message, showing the man in question with a few bottles of alcohol around him.

Pyrrah:" Guys, it's Yang. I think she found Y/N in some sort of club."

Ren:" Does anyone know which one?"

Jaune:" I think I overheard her talking about Junoir's or something. Maybe that's where they are."

Pyrrah:" But isn't that downtown Vale? Why would he go to such lengths?"

Ren:" I don't know, but we should hurry before something happens to him."

So the four make their way towards the direction of the club. Pyrrah is shook by this revelation and wants to save her brother from harm. Of course she knows that that sounds hypocritical, but the young girl has a sence of justice for everyone. Pyrrah doesn't give up on anyone, not even after the worst things that could happen in the world. Yet the redhead knows that she's part of the people who caused this situation in the first place. Biting back some tears, she begins to run faster, keeping up with the rest of her team.


Meanwhile Y/N sits at the bar of the club and drinks another cup of whatever alcohol the bar could offer. He isn't one to be knocked down easily, so this doesn't bother him yet. He even ignored the fact that Yang snapped a picture of him to send to Pyrrah. The boy just wants to drown out his problems for the rest of the day, so any fun or distraction is welcome. The owner himself is standing in front of him too, looking slightly worried.

Junior:" Boy, you've downed about seventeen shots already and still didn't flinch once. You came here to forget something, right?"

Y/N:" So what if I am? It's none of your business though. You've got a whole dance club to run...I hope the money you make keeps you happy."

Junior:" Okay buddy, what's wrong? I know I don't look like the type of guy to talk to, but I always have an open ear for my guests."

Y/N:" Even if they trash the place like Blondie? Or when some other criminals demand your help?..I know some stuff about you, Junior. But don't worry: I won't tell anybody."

Junior:" But you were a cop before, weren't you?"

Y/N:" That doesn't mean I'll report every single criminal I see or meet. Geez, have a little faith in me...Oops, wrong words there. Faith isn't anything to me, so...keep doing what you're doing."

Junior just sighs and walks away, minding his own business while keeping his eyes on the dance floor and every guest. It's often that he has people with trouble at his bar, but not in the way Y/N is behaving. The boy is colder than absolute zero while keeping a blank poker face. The young huntsman-in-training has spent every last minute of his free time of the current day there and rejected everyone's try to start up a conversation or asking him to dance. That and everything else of course doesn't go unnoticed by the blond of Team RWBY who just skips over to him with a small smile on her face.

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