Chapter 4

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The first regular day for everyone is about to begin. Night went by quickly and that either excites or annoys students all around. Many of them aren't morning people. Y/N is one of them, but his night was the worst ever. He had a long nightmare, reminissing about the past. He felt like he was back in the hellhole he called 'home' before running away. And shortly after her woke up, his body twitched violently for a while. Balling his fists, the boy broke through and is in the bathroom right now. Of course he hates to look at himself, seeing the several scars from cuts, beatings and bones piercing his skin. It's never a great sight for anyone to see, that's why he tries to keep his limbs and torso covored as good as his clothes allow him to.

Y/N:" I feel like crap, I look like a mess and I already have a feeling that today will just stir up a bigger storm than yesterday. Ugh, I hate this already."

The only comfort he has right now is silence. Aside from a few people in the hallway, there really isn't anything going on. Y/N assumes that most people are already eating breakfast or sitting in class. His schedule looks quite normal. Regular lessons with the staff, lunch break and some combat training from time to time. He also remembers that he doesn't need to wear a uniform, so that gives the E/C eyed boy a lot more freedom. In the end he just picks out a black button-up shirt, a pair of blue jeans and black sneakers while putting his katana on his belt. It already feels a lot better than expected, knowing he can fight back whenever the need should come up. When he steps out of his dorm and locks the door, his scroll goes off. Y/N immediatly looks at it, only to see that Ozpin would need him right after classes end for the day.

Y/N:" I promise, if this is another one of his so called 'promises', I will feed him his own ontestins."

The anger from yesterday still stings and he is really not to keen on knowing what the grey haired bastard is planning for him. But that's the least of his worries for now as Y/N makes his way to class, seeing just a few people in there. Their faces are strangers to him, so he doesn't pay attention to them. Y/N just walks to the last row and sits down next to the window, putting his books and pens out, awaiting the lessons. It would've been more interesting, if he ran into someone he could actually have a normal conversation with. Team RWBY and Team JNPR are out of consideration while the other teams avoid him. All but one.

???:" Hey there, big guy."

As Y/N looks up, he is greeted by a girl. Brown hair, brown eyes and a matching outfit. Sunglasses and a barret. She doesn't look older than him so far, yet something intruiging lingers in her.

Y/N:" What's the problem?"

???:" Nothing much. I just saw you sitting back here on your own. Where is your team?"

Y/N:" In case you missed the initiation yesterday, which is impossible to be honest, my name is Y/N..."

Coco:" Nice name, hotshot. I'm Coco Adel. Leader of Team CVFY. We're a second year team and just got a few days off from missions to recover."

Y/N:" And that makes me care because..?"

Coco:" Feisty, aren't you? We're your superiors. This means we should get a bit more respect from you freshlings."

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