Chapter 3

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The initiation is already beginning with multiple students flying through the air. Each and everyone of them has a unique landing strategy, well...mostly. With many of them already back on the ground, only Jaune is flailing around like a scared kid. Pyrrah is the one to spot him out of the air and readies her weapon in its spear form, throwing it to the exact location of Jaune's impact. 

Jaune(from afar):" Thank you."

Pyrrah:" I'm sorry."

It was alright for this moment, but they have to fulfill their objective. Obtaining a relic and making it back to the top of the cliff alive. Of course it's easier said than done, but huntsmen and huntresses are known to never quit. Or that is what the world makes young people believe. In history, there have been some cases where huntsmen and huntresses strayed from their path and turned against each other. It has never been a pretty sight to see, but that is none of their concerns right now. Especially since Y/N is picking off every Grimm he comes across. The young man is slightly smiling as he walks through the forrest. His katana has tasted a lot of Grimm and yet he still has it. Right now, his E/C orbs fly over the blade itself.

Y/N:" This is a great katana. I never thought I'd be able to craft such a nice weapon for myself. Maybe I'm able to go on missions soon..."

His train of thought is broken though when a loud snarl is echoing around him. A lone beowolf makes itself known, spotting the young huntsman. The beast is stepping closer, its claws digging into the dirt while it tries to observe its prey. But Y/N isn't showing any kind of fear or nervousness. No, he gets up and turns towards the dark creature, focussing on every little movement.

Y/N:" You won't be the last to be cut down. I wish there was an easier way to erase this pest."

Then, within the blink of an eye, Y/N is right in front of the Beowolf. He brings his katana up and is about to strike at its head, when its claw hits his stomach and pushes the H/C hared boy away. The attack isn't as forcefull as expected, but there still was some strength behind it. Chuckling, Y/N swats his hair out of his face and walks back into position. The Beowolf itself is ready to pounce at him and makes itself ready to do so when suddenly a shot rings through the forrest, killing the beast and confusing the man. Then, a second later, Yang steps out from the bushes and looks around, only to spot her instructor.

Yang:" Oh, hey there. I didn't expect to find you here."

Y/N:" That was my kill, Xiao-Long."

Yang:" Don't be like that. I bet you've got more than enough Grimm on your count...Anyway, do you know how to get to the relics? I think I moved in the wrong direction."

Y/N:" Ozpin clearly said north of the forrest. We're slightly north-east by now.....Ugh, I can't believe I'm offering this, but I could accompany you to the ruins."

Yang:" Wouldn't that give me and my partner an unfair advantage?"

Y/N:" Depends on who your partner is."

Yang:" Oh, Blake is my partner. That shouldn't be too bad."

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