Chapter 7

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A few days have passed and Teams RWBY and JNPR have talked about Y/N and Pyrrah. They have analyzed the stories Pyrrah has told them and then Blake showed them what she recorded when she went to meet with Y/N, who is in the amphitheater, kicking around dummies and trying to wash out whatever has him riled up today. A lot has happened during the last few days, knowing he couldn't run from the past forever. He was cornered by Pyrrah on Thrsday and she demanded to have a talk with him.

--- Flashback ---

The two siblings were sitting in Y/Ns' dorm and have a bit of distance between each other. There sure was hatred from Y/N towards Pyrrah true to the fact that she was and would always be a Nikos. The girl was nervous as she sat at his desk and waited for him to say anything.


Pyrrah:" Aren't you gonna start?"

Y/N:" You wanted to talk, I'm only here to listen. So go."

Pyrrah:" It hurts me, Y/N. It hurts me to see you act this way towards your own family and yes...I know you're about to snap at me for saying this...But I've tried. I've tried to get to you, but they wouldn't let me...They locked the door every night and they said there is nothing to worry about. I felt betrayed every single day...The pictures they had of you, they kept away. They never mentioned you and whenever we were going to the doctors, I heard the doc mention your name, even though I never heard it before...Can you tell me what F/N and M/N did to you?"

Y/N:" What they did to me...there are no words to explain what they did to me. The mental scars are something YOU can never understand. I was the one who was the first child of the family...And they abandoned me after I used my semblance. I was told that I was never fit for battle because of it. The first few years of my life, the two showed me SOME love. They gave me food, water, clothes...I even was allowed to go to kindergarten and then school...Until you were born. Not only did my semblance ruin my life...YOU destroyed my life. You were always the poster child. You were being praised, held in high regards by all of your teachers and all of our relatives loved you. Why they didn't let you pass the years here already is beyond me..."

Pyrrah:" Me being born has ruined your life?! Are you out of your mind?"

Y/N:" What if I am?! Then you don't have a reason to even keep caring about me. I would be sent to a mental asylum and society has one less crazy person to worry about. You never even tried to find me. Nobody was and why would you now? Why would you say that you care since you're my sister, even when you know I'll never accept you."

Pyrrah:" Do you want to drive your family away? You were with us for the first six years of your life and then you give up on us?"

Y/N:" ME giving up on YOU?! Do you have any idea who I am or what I can do? I can't even beggin to explain where my hate and aggression will end up. You're asking me if I wanna drive you away? You three drove ME away. You three threw away what I would've been able to become. I could've died in front of you and nobody would bat an eye at it. I was left to be forgotten. I was left to rot away at my own feet. Why should anyone take me in? I never understood why Ozpin would give me a chance to be here. I would be six feet under and so, I would've been left alone."

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