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"hey, isn't that mr. geller's house?" carl asks pointing at a green house down the street. ron nods.

"yes, that guy sucks. he's a creepy over the girls. he once kept sending this weird e-mails to enid trying to set a meeting with her."

"i know, i hate him. watch it, and follow me when i tell you to run."

"wait- what?" ron asks, watching carl walks quickly to the green house, he follow him.

carl chooses a rock on the ground, walking around 'til he finds a closed window.

"carl... don't- don't do it!"

"and... run!!!" he shouts as he throws the stone really hardy against the window. the glass breaks in a million peaces before they start running fast. they can hear a lot of screaming, but they get away with it. "did you see his face?!" carl debouches when they are far enough.

"priceless! oh my god, you're a delinquent." ron says, carl gives him a soft punch in the arm, touching his hand briefly when his own falls down. they look at the small distance between their hands for one moment, and carl's the one to end it, grabbing his hand and holding it tightly. "someone could see us." the anderson warns him.

"i don't care" carl confesses. "what they gonna do? tell my dad?" he laughs kinda sadly. ron keeps caressing the other boy's hand. "how are things in your house?"

"my dad has been sleeping out, so it's calm at night, no fights around, just my mom locked in her room crying."

"what about sam?"

"he is... fine, i guess. he started drawing our father with a monster face. it's pretty funny, actually." he says.

"man, i'm so sorry this shit never ends. do you think your dad will come back?"

"probably. he left before. he always comes back saying he misses mom, that he'll change, that he's going to be a new man, it always ends up the same."

"i wish i could steal you from that nightmare."

"although it would be nice, i don't think i can leave my mom and brother behind."

"yeah... people who leave their family are so... selfish."

"very often." ron says. carl sighs sadly. "what's wrong?"

"nothing. i was just thinking... about my dad."

before ron answers it, some new voices come in, they turn around to find a group of bullies from school.

"hey, freaks!" one of them raves.

"are you going somewhere?" one by one, they start surrounding them. carl doesn't shows he's nervous.

"get the fuck off, dylan!" ron rages. he let go of carl's hand to have his fist closed already.

"slow down, faggot. we just want to talk."

"yeah," other one agrees, snaping his neck. "we have some things we wanna say to you."

they stepped closer, ron is shaking in anger.

"should we run?" he whispers to carl.

"i got it." the grimes says confidently. after years of training self-defense with his dad he were pretty confident about kicking bullies ass.

he didn't even had to think about it when dylan surrounded him and tried to hit his face, he put him back with a kick on the chest.

ron had his fist closed as two boys were threatening him.

"look, i don't want to fight you..."

"well, too bad we've been wanting to teach you a lesson for a long time." one of them answers.

dylan throws his body against carl's, pushing him against a wall and hitting him in the stomach.

"carl!" ron shouts being held back by one of the boys while the other started to hit his face, causing to cut his lip. "leave him alone now!" he tried to get away while carl would hold dylan's fist near his face.

he made it to push him away, but it didn't last long 'til the taller one punch his eye. carl falls on the ground and groans. he can feel the blood moisten his nape.

ron tries to retaliate but it's two against one. he used his legs to kick the one hitting him in the chest as he saw carl doing earlier, he knocks down the one holding him and punches his face. dylan watches the scene and get mad with the idea of losing the fight, that's when he grabs carl's arm and fastens him against his chest, pulling his long hair and showing he had a knive, which he holds against the grimes throat.

"move and i'll cut him" he threatens. carl swallows dry nervously.

ron stops by, trying to think of a way to get away with that.

"hold on, we can resolve this-"

"i don't want to resolve anything with a girly talk, you've been stressing me out for too long now. did you know enid turned me down because of you?" he cachinnates. "too bad for her you're not available. now i'm going to cut your boyfriend's throat really deep and you're going to stand there watching while i do it."

carl could feel the blade deepen against his skin, that's when ron runs into them, pushing dylan and grabbing carl's hand, shouting at him to start running. they run away as fast as they can while the three bullies chase them. they run for miles until they find a hideout in an alley.

ron is shaking, he hugs carl tightly when it's sure they're gone.

"it's okay, ron, it's fine. they're gone." carl consoles him. ron let go of him to look at his bug blue eyes.

"he was going to hurt you! oh god, i don't know what i would do if-"

"but he didn't do anything! you didn't let him..." he slips his fingers through his arms. "thank you."

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