Hell above

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Hey guys :3 so, I've had ups and downs lately.. On the 14th I was happy because Vic Fuentes liked my comment on his status and I messaged Tony, he replied, then I told Jaime something on Ask.fm and he said he was inspired by me and proud of me... The 15th, I had a shitty day at school but my day brightened up when Jaime accepted my friend request on Facebook, but then it got shitty again and I relapsed... The 16th was shitty and I told Jaime on Ask.fm about relapsing and told him I was sorry but he said to never be sorry about something like that. He said he wasn't mad but he was upset but he'd be there for me if I needed it... My month got better but then I became incredibly depressed to the point that if I see anything that could harm me, I get really happy about it and consider using it to hurt me. I'm still having a rough time but, I want you all to know that I love you and please stay strong. I know you can. Anyway, here's the next chapter. I love you all :*


~ Paige's POV ~

Day back to school

So I finally had to return to school, luckily Vic talked to the pricipal about my sucide attempt and that he had to watch me at all times, so we both had all the same classes. The bad new, I had more classes with Lisa. Just great. Vic woke me pretty early, maybe around 5 in the morning, I mean, school started at 7:45 and we lived an hour away from it.

I quickly grabbed a change of clothes and got in the shower. I washed my hair with lemon shampoo and washed my body with lime body was. I then got out and dried and straightened my hair. I changed into black skinny jeans, a grey sweater, and my red Vans, which I got when Jaime got his.

One good thing about school was that Vic had talked to the pricipal and told him about my atempt and he told the pricipal that he had signed the papers stating that he would keep an eye on me at all times so I got switched to all of Vic's classes.

The downside to me having the same classes as Vic was that I had more classes with Lisa, and I was not ready to face her again.

After I left the bathroom, Vic went in there to take a shower and I went to go make myself some breakfast, which I wasn't going to eat much of. I made myself nothing really, I just grabbed yogurt and only ate about half of it then I threw the rest of it away.

I sat down for a few minutes then Vic entered the room wearing black skinny jeans, a Pantera tee shirt, and dark blue Vans. "We have to go, are you ready?" Vic asked, clearly worried about how I'd take the day.

"I don't want to go back," I said as I stood up and wrapped my arms around Vic, causing his arms to wrap around me.

"I know, but you have to, and don't worry, I'll be with you at all times, I promise." Vic mumbled as he kissed the top of my head.

"But what if they hurt me?" I asked as I hid my face in the crook of Vic's neck.

"I will never let them touch you ever again,"

"Okay," I whispered loud enoug for Vic to hear me.

Vic and I both grabbed out backpacks then we went and began toward school.

~ At school ~

Vic never left my side, which I was actually really glad about. The moment I got out of the car, people were staring at me, pointing, talking, and laughing, making me feel unconfterble. Vic grabbed my hand as we started toward the school, and to be honest, I wasn't liking anything except Vic being there in that moment. I led Vic to my locker and we decided to leave both of our stuff in it to make things easier for both of us.

"Well, well, look who didn't actually kill herself, I guess Vic was right," I heard her say, and by her, I mean Lisa.

"Leave her alone," I heard Vic growl.

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