Chapter 1: The meeting

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Peters pov

I was swinging through the city. Today was Tuesday. The day I meet up with my friend. I stop for a moment to catch my breath. I see a little girl around 8 or 9 walking on the streets alone. It was almost midnight. What is she doing? I land behind her with a thud. It only took a few seconds for her to spin around and hold a knife two inches from my throat.

The movement was familiar. Why do I recognize it. She then drops the knife squealing with excitement. She hugs me. I return the hug patting her back.

" Hey little girl what are you doing on the streets alone?" I ask her. She rolls her eyes and groans. She picks the knife she dropped and tucks it back into its holder.

" Ok so like a few weeks ago my Nana kicked my dad out. He was late to Sunday dinner and nana got super mad and now I'm going to find him." She explains. She's acting like it's the most normal thing in the world. Who's Nana just kicks out a little girls dad because he's late.

" Oh well maybe your nana had a better reason." I try and reason. She giggles." Well yea he was late a few weeks in a row. My nana was also kinda mad he tortured some guy in the basement, but like whatever he's not killing anymore. He hasn't killed in months."

What the hell! What kind of father does that? This poor little girl. I sigh with a hint of annoyance. I must get her home. Her nana must be so worried. " Well your dad doesn't sound like a good guy so maybe your nana was right to kick him out." I tell her gently.

She gasps. Then looks me up and down. She then she grabs my suit. Then takes her knife out. It's looks vaguely familiar." I'm Ellie my dad must if mentioned me. I mean he like talks about you allllll the time." She says. dramatically.

" Like all the time. One time he was teasing me about the guy I beat up. I was soooooo mad so I turned around and stopped talking and he was like." She stops for a second and deepens her voice.

" 'My little jelly bean I was only teasing  I'll tell you who I like if you stop ignoring me ,' so then I was like who and he was like Webs." She rambles on switching between voices. I don't really understand.  The way she rambles on reminds me of someone. My phone then rings. I answer it.

" Hey pool I might have to cancel taco Tuesday I found a little girl on the streets." I tell the man on the other line. I hear Deadpool groan loudly. The little girl then snatches my phone.

" Daddy is that you?" Ellie asks deadpool. I was worried he would say something to upset the girl I grab the phone back and put it on speaker." Jelly bean what the hell are you doing out so late?" Deadpool's gravely voice is  laced with worry.

" Nana won't let me see you." She mumbles with annoyance. I hear Deadpool groan. " Wait with Spidey and don't spill my secrets or I'm going to take the knife back." He says and hangs up.

Of course this was Deadpool's kid. That makes so much sense now. Why was the knife so special. She then looks at me with worry.
" please don't  tell my dad I told you about his crush on you." She pleads. I nod slowly.

I hear a loud thump behind me. I'm then slammed into the closet wall. The knife which the girl had threatened me with is now back at my throat . I look to see Dp glaring at me. His masked eyes hiding his emotions but I could feel the fear and anger pouring off him. That's why the knife is familiar. it's the one he first threatened me with.

" I swear to fucking god if you ever tell anyone about her I'll kill you." He growls. I nod quickly. I've seen Deadpool mad but never this mad. He was furious he looks like he'll kill me if I say the wrong thing.

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