Chapter 3: Webs

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Saturday Peters pov

It's 10 a.m and I've having a sort of meeting. I hear a knock on my door. They are are here I open the door. Mj and Ned walk in. I lead them to my living room. Mj is typing on her phone and Ned is waiting for me to speak.

" I need help." I start off. Mj snickers and mutter something under her breath and Ned  laughs to. I roll my eyes at my friends. " I need someone to watch my kid when I go on patrol as Spiderman." I tell them.

Mj looks up from her phone. " You got someone pregnant!" She shouts at me. I start shaking my head violently. The door to Ellie's bedroom opens. She walks out rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. " Webs why didn't you tell me people were coming over." She grumbles sleepily.

" I'm sorry El I forgot." I apologize and make my way to the kitchen. I pour her a bowl of lucky charms and set it on the table. She sits down and starts to eat. I go back to my friends who are now very confused.

" There's a child at your table. She called you Webs." Ned says shocked. I nod. " She's my friends kid and she knows I'm Spider-man." I tell them.

" Oh she's Deadpool's kid." Mj states like its the obvious thing ever. I was confused on how she could know that. Ned nods slowly. " So your watching a mercenary kid." Ned quires.

" No I'm her legal guardian." I tell them. They look shocked. I understand though. Mj then smirks. " You really are in love with the guy." She chuckles. I feel my face heat up.

" W-What no in not." I cry out. Ned and Mj give each other a look. I frown at them. That literally came out of no where. Where did that even come from. Like what the heck Mj.

" Don't act like your not. You go on patrol with him almost every day and have a day you always  hang out. You never miss your Tuesday hang outs even if your sick." Mj tells me. Ned is nodding agreeing. I frown.

" Also I stopped staying the night because you talk in your sleep." Ned informs me. " What does that have to do with anything?" I demand. That literally has nothing to do with this conversation.

" It's means you have wet dreams about my dad." Ellie points out. I whip around to glare at her. My friends start laughing.  Mj clearly couldn't breath. Ned is crying on the floor he's laughing so hard.

" Oh my fucking god I love the kid. I'll watch her ." Mj snorts  and walks to Ellie's side. She
looks proud of herself. Ned finally able to breath manages to climb onto the couch.

" Thanks Mj, I text you details later. Ellie and me are spending  the day together." I tell her.

" Don't you have work?" Ned asks. I nod. " I called in sick." I inform them. They smiles and say their goodbyes and leave.

Deadpool's pov. { yellow } [ White ]

" Wade dude I've got info for you." I hear weasel shout. I've only walked into the bar and he's already yelling at me. 11 a.m I know I shouldn't be in a bar. But I'm on the hunt and I need information.

{ Yea he's know stuff about spidey wifey }

[ Why are we even looking into him we could be killing]

" What is it." I ask my friend. He hands me a folder. " Apparently Peter Parker has a kid." Weasel informs me. I've learned a lot about the guy. He works at the bugle and Stark industry lives in apartment building near Captain America. He doesn't have a kid though.

[ He doesn't have a kid maybe he's watching over one for a friend. There must be an answer to this. How could we miss such a big deal]

{ Maybe cap and his boyfriend had a kid}

I look at the pictures of him at a school. The same school my little girl goes to. Him walking with a little girl. Then one clear picture of him and my daughter. Why is Ellie with him. He has has my daughter.

[ He needs to die him and spidey or Logan they are the only ones that know about her]

{ D e A t H }

" I'm going to kill him." I snarl. He works at the bugle today. So I'm going to kill him then Spidey.

I walk into the bugle. The girl at the front desk who saw my cowards in fear. I walk right up to the front desk. " Please don't kill me." She sniffles. My reputation here is known good.
" Honey please don't cry I'm not here to hurt you." I tell her gently.

[ Come on stop being so nice]

{ Shut up White he's being a gentleman}

[ Stop being a gentleman your a monster just threaten her with a gun ]

The girl nods and wipes her eyes on her sleeve. She looks terrified. " Peter Parker where is he?" I ask her. She looks slightly confused. " He's not here today called in sick." She tells me. I nod and thank her. Where the fuck is he.

[ When we find him he's going to die]


I've made it to his apartment. I pick the lock and let my self in. I look around. There's a bowl in the sink. I open the door to his bed room. He's not there. I open the door to the guest room.

It's no longer a guest room. The bed has dinosaurs sheets and princess pillows. The bed is neatly made. It has a red and black t-Rex plush sitting neatly on the bed. A familiar doll house in the corner. This is where my daughter sleeps. She had almost all of her old stuff and new stuff too.

{ He's taking care of her maybe he's a good guy?}

[ He has our Ellie he's no good guy]

" I swear I locked the door." I hear a voice grumble. I then hear the sweet giggle of my daughter. " Mj will be here at 8 to watch you." I hear him tell my daughter who starts to laugh.
" Ha ha yes earlier was very funny." I hear the man grumble and I hear him set things down.

" Not my fault you didn't understand they meant wet dreams." Ellie says in a teasing tone.
" God what did your father teach you." Peter teases back.

[ How dare he insult our parenting. We are good parents I think]

Yellow is cackling. White is annoyed with him.

I step out of my daughters room. Ellie rushes over to me. She's wrapped her arms around my side. " Dad!" She cries out happily. Peter peaks his head out of the kitchen. " Deadpool what are you doing in my house?" He asks calmly.

[ K i L l H i M]

{Sweet ass he has good enough to rival Spideys}

" Why do you have my daughter." I growl. He flinches. Then looks at my daughter with soft affection. " I'm her legal guardian I'm taking care of her." He responds carefully.

[ legal guardian FUCKING DAREDEVIL he deserves to die]

{ Or some other lawyer probably }

" Why is not with her Nana?"

" She's dead." The younger man chokes out. Ellie rushes to his side and grabs his hand. "It's not your fault Webs."  She starts to comfort the man. Ellie shoots me a look. I'm startled by his his reaction. I don't have a clue what to do.

{ make pancakes!!!}

[ webs..?]

{ He not here stupid}

I quickly make my way to the kitchen. He has stuff for pancakes. I start cooking them. I hear a sniffle and turn around to see Peter. "Pool I'm sorry about the kid." He apologizes.

I nod slowly. Then hand him a plate with a pancake on it. He looks at me curiously. He takes the pancake. " I'm not going to lie to you." He whispers. I tilt my head curiously.

" I'm Spiderman."

Wtf is this shit omg I wrote a whole story in procrastination of finishing my other story which I'm going to finish today maybe  this is actual trash

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