Chapter 4: Apologizes And Tears

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Peters pov


" YES YELLOW I KNOW." Deapool shouts. We are both look at each other panicking. Then Dp  pulls his gun out and puts it to his head.

" Look baby boy I'll shoot myself and hope I forget." He says hopefully. I quickly web the gun out of his hand. I feel dizzy for a few moments. I never use my organic Webs except for emergencies.

" No don't do that." I shout at him. I run my hand through my hair. How am I going to get out of this one. He  is pacing and muttering to himself.

" What's going on?" Ellie interrupts our panicking. Wade rushes to his daughter. He picks her up. He goes to teleport away. I look down and wave a small goodbye and he stops.

" Hey jelly bean has Spidey been taking care of you?" Pool questions the girl.  She nods happily. She squirms out of his arm and runs to my room. I wait for her to come back out. When she does I immediately push her back into the room closing the door.

" Kids are so crazy theses days." I laugh nervously. Ellie is banging at the door. Wade gives me a 'What the hells going on' look. I let Ellie out for my own safety.

" Look dad." Ellie shouts thrusting my Deadpool plush into his hands. I look down sheepishly. " You still have this?" Dp asks softly. I nod slowly. 

This is literally so embarrassing. I can't believe this. We are looking at each other. I then look down and hold my hand out. The familiar weight of the plush is push into my palm. I quickly rush to my room.

My heart is beating furiously. I call feel how hot my face is. This feeling isn't new but it's stronger than before. I flop on to my bed. I curl my body around the plush.

I hear soft voices outside my room. I don't want focus enough so my super hearing helps me hear them. I then hear the door to my apartment open and shut. Then a small knock at my door.

" Come in." I mumble. I look up to see Ellie. She gives me a soft reassuring smile. I frown and burry my head into my bed. I hold the plush tighter.

" Peter I'm sorry." I hear the small girl apologize. I sigh she standing at the edge of my bed. I sit up. My hair is probably a mess from hiding under my blanket.

" Its fine Ellie." I tell her gently. She sniffles sadly. I climb to the She of my bed and pull her into a hug. " I just wanted to show dad how much you care about him." She whimpers. I mess up her hair and give her a friendly smile.

" I told you it fines." I tell her. This time I meant it this time. She smiles and I climb out of my bed and grab her hand.

" Let's watch some movies before Mj gets here." I tell and drag her to the living room .


I land on the roof I met Deadpool. I look around hoping to catch a glimpse of him. He's no where to be seen. I had bought tacos just in case. I put the bag down. I sit on the edge dangling my feet off the edge. It's a quiet night all alone.

" Spidey your making it hard for me to disappear if you are just wasting good tacos." I hear a familiar voice whine. Then I heard a loud thud. Then footsteps approach me. I can't turn around.

I know I'm crying. I don't really know why. Probably because I feel rejected. I don't really know. The thought of losing my best friend it's just hurts. I feel a hand on my shoulder.

" Hey love don't cry." I hear him tell me gently. They sets me off. I start bawling. I haven't cried this hard in a very long time. I try and force the tears away. Now I'm crying into a known ex mercenary shoulder.

I finally manage to stop the tears. Dp looks at me with concern. I sniffle quietly. I feel my mask being lift over my face. A small towel is wiping my face.

" There you go Petey." Deadpool says smiling. He then reaches into the bag of tacos which are cold now. Still be munches on them happily. He's quiet though. He's never been this quiet for so long.

" Deadpool I'm......"

" It Wade and don't apologize sweet cheeks." Deadpool no Wade says cutting me off.

I'm in shock. He gave me his name. I just cried into his shoulder for no reason. I'm an emotional mess. Oh god I'm in love with him.

" Ok,sorry." I mutter. I then realize I apologized again. I hear Wade snickering.  I look at him fondly. He then stops. He looks at me.

" oh fuck." He says thickly. I feel my face warms up. " So pretty blushing for me." Wade coos. I don't know what to do. I look down. He grabs my chin and makes me look at him. His mask is already rolled up to his nose. He the leans in and gently presses his lips to mine.

It's was a soft kiss. It lasted no more than a couple of seconds. I'm taken back by this. I open my eyes to see Wade. All of the confidence he was just radiating is gone.

" Oh my fucking god I kissed you." Wade shouts then jumps up. I reach out for him but he's already gone.

I come in threw the door not the window. I had a huge tub of vanilla ice cream. It's 10 p.m I have only been out for two hours. I see the two girls on the couch. I grab a plastic spoon and flip onto the couch to them. They had just started the Cinderella.

" Your back earlier." Mj points out. I nod and start eating ice cream from the tub. Ellie looks at me curiously. I'm very close to crying but I won't do it. I continue to eat the ice cream.

Half way through the movie I started crying. I try to stop. The tears just started streaming down my face. Oh god I'm such a baby. I continue to eat my ice cream.

" Ok I'm stopping this now." Mj says. She pauses the movie. Ellie is running my back. She's look very confused. She doesn't really know what to do. " What the hell happened." Mj demands.

" He just left me." I whimper. Mj sends Ellie to bed. She then grabs my ice cream and puts it away.  She looks at me with a hint of annoyance.

" Jesus lets end this pity party and you tell me what happened." She frowns. I nod and wipes the tears away. " It's not even a big deal I don't know why I'm crying." I sniffles.

Mj makes a 'mhm'. " We kind of met today. I didn't have my mask and told him who I was. Then Ellie showed him my plush. The one he had gotten me and I kind of got embarrassed and ran off." I tell Mj feeling a little better. 

" Ok so you went to find him tonight right?" She asks starting to understand. " Yes and for some reason I started crying and he was so kind during the whole thing. He then kissed me." I tell. I'm still embarrassed I cried.

" Wait he kissed you." Mj says with excitement in her voice. I nod again. She squeals.  I smile at  her excitement. " So wait why are you crying that's a good thing." She and punches me in the shoulder.

" Well as soon as he realized he kissed me he left. Poof he was gone." I mumble. She pulls me into a hug. " It's going to be ok." She tells me.

I don't agree with her. She grabs her stuff and leaves after our talk and comforting me. I go to bed and pass out holding the plush tightly.

Wade kissing peter is my favorite scene that I've ever written

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