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Peters pov

Its been a couple of months since Wade and I got together. I'm helping raise Ellie since Wade has a lot of enemies and his identity isn't that secretive.

I hear Ellie squeal and rub out of her room. Her soft footsteps being followed by loud ones. " YOU CANT HIDE ME FROM JELLY BEAN!" Wade shouts and Ellie squeals even louder giggling.

She runs into the kitchen where I am. She hides behind me and motions me to be quiet. I roll my eyes but agree. I continue cooking the grill cheese sandwiches the two had begged me to make earlier. Wade rushes in. He can clearly see Ellie. " Is our daughter in here?" He asks while staring her down.

I shrug and turn to smile at my boyfriend. " I have no idea where she is Red." I lie while trying not to laugh. " Oh really baby boy? You wouldn't be lying to me right?" He teases.

I shake my head and turn off the stove. I put the last grill cheese on a plate with Doritos. I grab all 3 plates and set them down at the table." Ok you two take a break for now."

They grumble but sit down at the table and eat quietly. I can see Wade glaring at Ellie while she smiles evilly after him. " Is there something you two want to tell me?" I query.

" NO!" Wade squeaks at the same time Ellie screams. " DADDY RIPPED BABY DAD!"

" Wade!" I address him upset. " Fucking snitch I'm gonna steal Miss Rex for this betrayal." Wade grumbles at Ellie.

" What did I say about threatening El." I demand. " Don't.." he mutters unhappily .

" Exactly now tell me what happened."
I look at Wade expecting a response but he look at the table sadly. " I was teasing Daddy about how you cuddle more with the stuffie he gave you instead of him." Ellie tells me.

" So he ripped it so I couldn't." I finish and then look at the man who is currently pouting while stuffing Doritos into his mouth.

" I've offered for you to move in Wade." I tru and reach out he flinches. " You don't really love me. I would just be in the way." He sniffles.

" Ellie room now."

" I DIDNT DO ANYTHING!" She cry's out. I turn and give her a stern look and she runs off to her room.

" Now Babe you know that's not true. Don't let the boxes get to you. Come on and move in with me. You would see Ellie more often and being a somewhat single parent is difficult I need your help." I tell him gently.

" Ok for you." I pull him in to a hug and kiss his forehead gently. " I love you red." I whisper lovingly. " Love you too."

I know it's short but I felt bad for lying and writing an update this is dedicated to @Whoneedsagoodname

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