Drunk Sammy x drunk Reader

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Well, I already love this idea. I ship ya'll with a drunken Sammy!
[female reader]

We were all down in Joey's office, celebrating. We were celebrating the fact that now, Joey Drew Studios would be competing with Disney!  Susie got out a bottle of vodka and waved it around. "Guys! Let's drink!" She yelled acting slightly drunk already. I giggled as a glass was shoved into my hands. "Hey (Y/n)!" Shawn greeted me in his strong accent. I smiled and waved as Susie poured me another glass. Joey raised his glass along with Henry. "To us!" He yelled, making us all cheer.

—Time Skip—

I sighed as I sat my drunk ass on Joey's sofa. I spotted Sammy coming over, so I gave him a small smile. He plopped down next to me, looking an absolute wreck. I finished the last of the alcohol in my glass and put it down. I was now five in,and somehow drunk. Sammy leaned towards me, grabbing my attention. He slowly rubbed my arm, before lazily whispering a sentence to me. "You-u look... a-ma...zing." I blushed as he kissed me, the taste of alcohol still lingered in his lips. His arms snaked around my hips, pulling me closer to the drunk. He suddenly deepened the kiss, trying to slip his tongue into my mouth. I wasn't exactly aware of everything at that point, so I let him. I shuddered at the feeling I got from it. All I heard was people whispering and cameras clicking. "Golly! How many has Sammy had Thomas!" Wally whisper-yelled.
"This may have been a bad idea..." Susie muttered. I shrugged off their words and continued to kiss the man next to me. It all stopped when we both fell off of the sofa. "Ow." I mumbled, rubbing my head. Sammy was cursing under his breath. I looked up to see everyone watching us. I rubbed the back of my neck and let out a nervous laugh. I sighed and left the office, needing some space.


Ooooo that was a little different! I hope ya'll liked it.
Sammy: "I certainly didn't. Why did it have to be me?"
Dee: "Shut up you stupid sheep!"
Sammy: "That's my nickname!"
Dee: *runs down the hallway
Sammy: "Get back here you pathetic sacrifice!" *chases Dee

Alice: "Well, let's hope Dee can survive.
Boris: "Yeahhh... Okay bye guys!"

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