Royal Replacement

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Geno sat quietly on his throne. He stared coldly at a line of monsters that were brought in.
His eyes floated across the line over and over as it slowly grew. He sighed quietly before his eye was caught and brought to another skeleton.
"Who's that?" He asked a guard that was posted next to his throne.
The guard whispered in his non-existent ear.
"Reaper hm?" He continued to stare at the skeleton.
The guard nodded and whispered something else.
"Ah... I see." Geno nodded. "He has no chance of being chose anyways. Why not give him a chance to explain himself?"
This 'Reaper' guy had a heck of a lot better chance than these other monsters. Something about him seemed to interest the skeleton.
Geno stood quickly, he felt dizzy all of a sudden and pain flared on his cheek.
'Oh right-' Geno thought back to why there was a line of monsters infront of him.


Geno sat quietly as he dined with the king. He felt the silence was too much and tried to start a conversation.
But unfortunately the king was drunk and not in the mood for a civilized conversation.
"I'm just saying maybe a little talk will make you feel better" Geno offered.
"I don't wanna talk. I just wanna see your hips go to work~" the king slurred.
Geno blinked a few times feeling angered by the disgusting way he was being talked to.
"Hows about you get your head working before you say anything else." Geno hissed, "I'm going to bed."
Geno stood to head to a guest room not wanting to be with the drunk king.
The kings hand met with Genos' cheek and they both got quiet.
Geno felt tears on the verge of spilling from his eye sockets as he stormed off.

The next morning they found the king dead.
He lied on the floor with his hand around a knife.
They suspect there was some fowl play involved but not one soul seemed to mind the kings absence.

-End flashback-

That was three days ago and Geno was able to take control, now serving as 'king'.
He was looking for someone to play the role of queen as he once had.
Geno sat quietly only catching fragments of what the monsters had to say.
Geno was zoning in and out while staring coldly at each trying not to show any favoritism when he was actually paying attention.

"Your majesty~" a voice spoke immediately snapping Geno out of his as this so called 'Reaper' nodded his head in respect.
Reaper got a few glares from different monsters who then looked at Geno. Geno looked at each of them with a cold and disappointed look. They all looked down quickly hoping not to have angered him too much.
Reaper looked at Geno, "If you don't mind me asking, Does your left eye hurt?"
Geno raised an 'eyebrow' and Reaper got a few questioning looks.
Reaper winked, "Cuz I mean you've been looking right all the time~"
Genos' face became lightly dusted with red while he gave him a cold glare but was surprised when Reaper didn't seem to back down.
A few monsters glared again.
"Do you like your last name your majesty? If not, we can share~"
Geno scoffed, "I'm not going to waste my time with this. Next"
"No ones left your majesty." One of the guards spoke up.
Geno sighed, "Everyone's dismissed."
Everyone began to leave till Geno spoke again, "Except you, Reaper. I wish to have... A word, with you if you don't mind."
A few of the monsters smirked and one even whispered to death, "Ha! I hope you get thrown in prison for being that disrespectful and disgusting" and with that the room was almost completely empty.  
Reaper shrugged and stopped, ignoring any glare or comments shot his way.
Only Geno, a few guards, and Reaper were left.
Geno sighed, "So Reaper-"
Reaper cut him off, "So whens the wedding?"
"What no, thats not-" Geno rambled on
"Aw come on, you know you want me~" Reaper said playfully.
"I've only known you for about an hour..." Geno sighed.
"We can change that if you want... Honey~" Reaper teased.
More red was sprinkled on Genos' face.
The guard next to Geno gave him a look and asked quietly, "would you like him to be removed from the room your majesty?"
Geno shook his head, "No, I got it"
Reaper smiled, "Are you sure you've 'got it' Geno~" he was now kneeling beside the throne with his chin resting on the armrest.
Geno stood and gestured for Reaper to follow. A few of the guards shot each other worried looks. Others smirked at the two skeletons.
"I'll take you to where you'll be staying" Geno mumbled.
"Staying?" Reaper raised an 'eyebrow'. Geno only nodded.
"I didn't agree to that but alright." He held up his hands in 'defeat'.
"You didn't need to. I've decided for you."
"Oh look... I'm a king~" Reaper smiled.
"No- I'm king. You dear Reaper, have been chosen to become a queen."
"Is there anyway I could be king?" Reaper questioned.
"No" Geno shot him a glare, "here we are."
Geno led Reaper into a room. It was a simple room but who cared? Reaper sure didn't.
Reaper went and sat on the bed, "you know what'd make this bed better?"
Geno looked at him, "what?"
"I swear-" Geno hissed but stopped and stormed out.
Reaper sat in silence.

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