Royal Pain (Lemon)

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(I'm going to flipping scream. I wrote this and I was happy with it and freaking Wattpad being a piece of crap deleted it-

Excuse me- I'm a triggered author rn- so this may not be as good as I originally intended due to the fact the original is gone... And it's making me really upset and just ugh- it was like 2,000 somethin words too dang it...)

-lemon/Slight language warning-

Genos' eyes shot open but remained completely still other than that. He had realized a certain someone was curled up around him.
Geno huffed in annoyance wanting to be let go. But did he really truly feel that way? Yes. A little bit anyways. But on the other hand he wanted to be in the the others embrace a little longer. Reaper had warm and safe aura.
But... Geno was having an issue in his lower region.
He wanted... No he felt that he needed Reaper.
'No' Geno told himself 'No-no-no... Because Reaper is.... Ugh' Geno shook his head, 'he's just ugh-'
Geno held his breath as Reaper began to move. He moved along with the other skeletons movements but got scared when he thought that Reaper was waking.
Once he was sure the Reaper was still asleep he slipped out of the bed.
He thought for a moment but all he seemed to think up were thoughts of lust that involved either Reaper, himself thinking about Reaper or both him and Reaper in a heated scenario. Geno stood staring at the sleeping Reaper longingly and sighed.
"Ha. Geno you wish..." Geno thought out loud, "He's joking with you. He doesn't mean what he says. He can't, can he?"
Geno shrugged and quickly ran to the door to peek into the hallway.
No one except a guard or two were around.
Geno scurried out of the room and headed towards Reapers room.
"Geno!" He heard blue whispered loudly.
"Blue, later!" Geno hissed and made a turn, slipping into the room that was given to Reaper.
Geno paced around the room for a moment feeling a heat grow more and more. He curled up on the bed and thought to himself quietly.
Although something caught his eye in the middle of his thoughts.
Reapers cloak.
It laid there on the floor where he must've undressed before the 'royal ball'.
Geno smirked at that thought, Reaper undressing. He snapped out of it feeling disgust creeping up on himself.
He crawled out of the bed anyways and grabbed the cloak. He scurried back to the bed, jumping on it before beginning to undress himself. Once undressed, he slipped on Reapers robe and sat there.
Geno closed his eye and sighed, the heat soon becoming unbearable.
He opened his eye slowly and moved the cloak a little to reveal his hardened member.
He had a small debate about whether or not he should continue and get rid of this pain and heated feeling. But there was no other option.
Geno ran a finger down his member as he held his breath, his other hand continued to hold the robe out of his way. Thoughts of the sadistic Reaper filled his head and almost took control his actions.
Instead Geno kept himself in check and carefully slid his hand around his member, he began to move it slowly in an up and down motion which caused him to moan quietly.
Geno decided it was best to keep quiet and looked around for something.
'Scarf? No, you took it off-' he told himself zoning out, not believing that he'd done that for a moment before snapping back to his situation.
He slipped a piece of the cloak into his mouth and bit down.
He moaned a little more as he moved his hand at a faster pace to please his member. He took a quick and shakie breath and noticed the cloak smelled of Death which made him feel a little less hesitant.
The pleasure he felt was enough to make him forget the disgust he felt towards himself. And with that out of the way he felt better and a little more willing to make himself feel more of this pleasure.


He bucked his hips a little.

He began to move his hips in sync with his hand in hope to make himself feel better.
The lust in Genos' eye and soul grew. It began to take over as he picked up more speed.
He felt a knot build in his stomach.
He closed his eye, before suddenly feeling pressure on the tip of his member.
"R-Reaper~" he hissed into Reapers cloak as went into overdrive and pumped his member as fast as he could.
He was in the edge when the pleasure seemed to double.
"R-Ah~" Geno screeched letting the cloak fall from his mouth.
His fluids erupted from his member while he continued to moan loudly.
Once he was finished he sighed shakily and removed his hand, keeping his eye closed. Geno groaned still feeling pressure on the tip of his member.
He opened his eye a little to see a hand on his member with a boney digit on the tip of the ecto.
Geno squealed quietly realizing why the pleasure had seemed to double and glared at the skeleton the hand belonged to, as he removed his hand.
Reaper licked the juices off his hand while looking at Geno. He smirked at the glaring skeleton when he finished lapping up Genos' release.
"Aw~ you didn't get to finish my name that second time, hun~ But anyways... If you needed help you could've asked~" Reaper said still partly asleep.
"No... I couldn't have."
"Why not?"
"You looked peaceful..."
"Heh... Oh well~"
"No... Go back to- ah!~"
Reaper had began to suck on the tip of Genos' ecto member.
Geno yelped upon noticing the heat coming back. He knew that Reaper would probably get his way.
Reaper stopped, "Is my horny tsundere having fun?~"
"Shut up."
"Make me~"
Geno shook his head and Reaper smiled, "thought so~"
Reaper let his fingers glide over Genos' member as he licked and sucked at the tip.
Geno was hard again and both he and Reaorr knew it. He moaned louder than before, now sensitive after his first release of the night.
"No" Geno hissed
Geno knew this wouldn't end well for him if Reaper had his way. Geno shoved Reaper away from him and as the skeleton tried to process what and why, Geno lunged towards him.
Reaper squealed, not processing things fast enough to move.
"Geno!" Reaper hissed and Geno only smirked.
Geno was now hovering over now the annoyed skeleton.
"Geno- get off"
Geno smirked, "someone's a little demanding especially when considering their current situation~"
"Aw you like me being demanding?~" Reaper tried to turn the tables.
"Pfft. Don't make me laugh" Geno hissed.
"You do!~"
"Shut up-"
"Make me~"
"I'll give you a choice to do it-"
"Or what?~ you'll beg?~"
Geno kissed Reaper, which made the flirtatious skeleton smirk
Geno pulled away.
"Wow real big choice there~" Reaper teased
Geno growled and nipped the skeletons neck causing Reaper to moan quietly.
Geno began to undress the being that lay underneath him. He stopped, no matter how hard Reaper fought against it, only when Reaper lay almost completely naked. Only his panties remaining.
"Horny lil tsundere~"
"Sadistic lil-"
"Nah, i wouldn't finish that if I were you~"
"But your not me... though I know that you wish you were right now~" Geno smirked and ran his pointer finger along one Reapers ribs.
"No-" Reaper hissed while fighting a moan.
'This is wrong. I'm dominant. I can't be 'not dominant', can I?' Reaper shoved Geno.
Geno flipped in his back by rolling off sideways but took Reaper with him by grabbing his ribs.
Reaper moaned but found himself in top, "My robe?~"
"Who else's would it be?~" Geno chuckled.
Death's eyes widened in realization. Geno planned for him to try this, to try and get on top. How did Reaper know this was his plan? Well, let's say he could feel it. Under him, grinding at his pelvis.
'Not how this was supposed to go- I wanted to be top and dominant.' Reaper hissed to himself.
"Mind helping me a lil, Reaper?~" Geno purred quietly eyeing Reapers neck and ribs.
Reaper shuddered and growled, "I would mind-"
"Hm? You sure?~" Geno smirked and slid his hand around Reapers spine. Reaper closed his 'eyes' and gasped, moaning softly. There was a small 'ping' that joined Reapers moans and Geno found himself staring at Reapers soul.
Reapers eyes shot open before glaring at Geno and hissed, "Don't-"
Geno released Reapers spine, making him gasp quietly, and gently took the soul into his hands.
Geno admired the soul as Reaper shook, unsure what he could do he held his breath, waiting for whatever the skeleton under him decided to do with him.
Geno opened his mouth letting his tongue slip out. Geno spotted Reaper shaking slightly, "Oh come on Reaper, you trust me, yes?"
Reaper leaned forwards a little staring Geno straight in the eye socket, "Geno, Don't. You. Fucking. Dare."
"Sorry Sweet cheeks, but I dare~" Geno whispered, he stuck the soul in his mouth earning a squeal of pleasure from Reaper.
Geno could feel how the soul almost melted in his mouth, it had a slightly sugary taste but the taste of death and bitterness was stronger. He was partly not surprised but on the other hand he was shocked by the overwhelming bittersweet taste he was experiencing.
"Interesting taste here, Reaper~" Geno hummed, his words muffled by the soul he seemed to refuse to take from his mouth.
Reaper was a drooling, moaning mess. He began to feel an overwhelming amount of heat in his lower region which made him move his hips slightly, he noticed it wasn't only heat that was pooling, it was his magic as well.

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