Sick Joke (Lemon)

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Geno sits silently in the corner, he takes a sip and glances around. He set it down with a disgusted look, "spiked" he groaned quietly.
The music blared from the speakers somewhere in the distance, seemingly getting louder.
Error fought his way to Geno and cleared his throat, "sorry for making you come along."
"It's not your fault" Geno sighed feeling slightly light headed, "Don't drink the punch" he added quickly. Error nodded and glanced around, "if you want I'll go find fresh and we can go home." Error sighed in defeat.
"No. Go have fun. Just no drinking please. "
Error nodded and fought his way through the crowd again leaving Geno alone once more.
A partygoer found their way over to Geno and sat on the floor near him, "How's it goin?" They asked in a low voice.
"What's the point of parties?"
"Be worry free, I guess. Even if it is for just a little while. Why? Not enjoying it?" They asked putting a knee to their chest.
"It's kinda boring. Young adults.. whatcha gonna do? As soon as they hit that age. They think they can do anything as long as they're high or drunk." Geno sighed looking at the other partygoers that danced around seemingly drunk.
"Makes sense."
"And they play foolish games in order to embarrass others, get laid, or ruin someone's life. Who knows what else." The person says quietly and nodded looking over all the young adults.
"Geno!" A voice rang out as they rushed through the crowd to reach the skeleton. "Hey. Didn't expect to see you here."
"Didn't expect to be here, Ink" Geno chuckled dizzily causing the other person to laugh.
Ink looked at the other person, "Reaper."
He nodded, "You having fun, Ink?"
"Yeah" Ink shrugged with a smile.
"So this is your 'going to college' and 'end of high school' party?" Ink asks.
Reaper nods and glances at Geno.
Ink smiled with a hint of evil in his eyes, "Reaper, this is Geno. Geno, this is Reaper. My friend's brother. If I'm correct I believe you're both in the same grade. Not sure if your going to the same college but hey. Maybe you both can be 'friends'~" he said friends in a tone Geno didn't like.
Reaper shrugged and ignored the hint Ink gave off, "sure. He seems pretty cute."
Reaper picked up Geno's drink and drank till almost all of it was gone, he set the cup down and was silent before ue quickly stood up, "WHICH OF YOU WHORES SPIKED THE PUNCH?"
Everyone fell silent.
No one answered and finally Reaper growled and sat back down with a small sigh, a few laughed then the conversations continued. When he looked up Ink was gone.
"I'm gonna go play a game." Reaper stood.
As he walked off he grabbed Geno and dragged him along.
"So by 'I'm' you mean 'we're'" Geno asked but Reaper remained silent.
When he was let go, Geno found himself sitting in a circle. Geno was sitting next to one he happened to recognize, "Dream" Geno nodded in acknowledgment.
"Oh hey Geno! You decided to join?" He asked and put a hand on Geno's shoulder.
"Didn't have much of a choice" Geno laughed nervously and glanced at Reaper who had plopped down between a pair of annoyed looking skeletons.
Dream smiled, "Boyfriend of yours?"
Geno turned a shade of red and shook her head, "N-no, no, no. Nothing like that. It's his party and Ink had just introduced us and he thought it would be fun to play a game. I mean a game couldn't be that ba-"
"You do know what we're playing right?" Dream cut in.
"No." Geno replied.
A bottle was placed in the center of the circle and Dream motioned towards it, "spin the bottle"
Geno blinked and his eyes widened, "I don't wan-"
Reaper looked at him boredly and just stared into his eye sockets.
Geno stopped talking and sat quietly as he watched the first person spin the bottle.

Geno watched intently as the bottle began to slow. It stopped on the guy next to Geno, who he had learned was a skeleton named Cross.
People snickered and looked at the guy who spun, Nightmare.
Nightmare and Cross seemed to stare each other down for a moment before Nightmare leaned in and pecked him on the lips(? Teeth?).
Geno heard Dream sigh quietly beside him. Nightmare moved away and left Cross with a bright purple tint on his face.
"Your go, Reaper" Someone in the circle said and Fell nudged Reaper.
He spun and everyone, including Geno, sorta leaned in to see who it would be.
Geno felt uncomfortable when it landed between him and Dream.
"I say we vote!" Dream pipped up.
Genos eyes widened. He'd somehow managed to avoid getting kissed but he'd been drained of all confidence now.
Dream smiled sweetly. "Who thinks I should be kissed?" Only two hands went up but one ended up going back down as if just realizing what the question was. "Geno?" Hands went up and Geno froze.
Reaper was quiet for a moment.
He only looked around at the hands that were up.
"Shouldn't disappoint" Reaper shrugged and moved towards Geno, leaning in.
Reaper kissed beside Geno's mouth, making sure to miss. He whispered to Geno, "Figured it was your first. Not gonna be a total ass, ya know?" He chuckled. "Normally I would've kissed ya till you couldn't breath, buuuuut something told me I didn't deserve this one." He went and sat back down. Geno was a blushing mess and Dream groaned quietly.
Dream saw that Reaper hadn't kissed Geno and was kinda upset. He kept his mouth shut though.
"Geno and I are gonna go play another game, 'kay?" Reaper announced.
A few groaned while others nodded.
Geno looked at Reaper who was now standing, "We are?"
Reaper nodded and began to drag Geno to the next game.
Reaper immediately handed Geno the spinner causing Geno to jump a little.
Geno spun and Reaper announced, "right hand. red." He took a cup of punch and began to chug it. Reaper wiped his mouth and watched Geno.
Geno placed his hand on the mat and sighed knowing the was going to be a long game.

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