10 - innocence

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Elise was starting to really like Michael Clifford.

In fact, she was sort of mad at Cole and Calum for not introducing the two of them earlier. There was just something about him, with his infectious sense of humor that she couldn't avoid, and she didn't want to. He always made her laugh—which, was easy enough; she's a giggler—and she kind of couldn't get enough of it.



As usual, Elise stifled a small laugh at Michael's outburst, catching her and the two other boys off guard. He did this sometimes, when a slightly random thought came to mind, often blurting out a part of it without explanation.

Elise thought it was funny. Cole and Calum on the other hand, had been dealing with this for years, and were beyond done.

"What?" Michael repeated, nonchalantly.

Calum looked at him for a second, sort of wondering why this boy was the way he is. "You can't just say 'amnesia' randomly and not explain why."

"I mean, I can. It's not that hard to just not say anything—"

"My god, Mike," Cole groaned, leaning back against the couch with his hands on his temples. "Is there a reason you said that or not?"

The boy with red hair shrugged. "I don't know, I just like the word. It's cool."

Calum scoffed out a laugh. Sometimes, that's the only thing he could do when his best friend said things like this. "Mate, do you even know what it means?"

Offended, Michael scoffed, crossing his arms. "Of course I do. I'm not stupid."

"Right," Calum rose a brow. "What does it mean, then?"

"It's that thing doctors do to put someone to sleep," Michael answered, much too confidently. "Duh."

"That's anesthesia, you absolute idiot."

"No, that's a country."

"You mean Indonesia?" Elise cut in.

"No," Michael shook his head. "You're thinking of Malaysia."

"Fucking hell," Cole groaned. "Shut up before I give you euthanasia."

"Isn't that where you wake up and can't remember anything?"

"Are you fucking—that's amnesia!"

"Then what the hell is euthanasia?"

"Killing someone painlessly." Elise offered.

"Same thing."

"It's really not."

"Eh, close enough," Michael shrugged. "It's still a cool word,"

Elise couldn't help but laugh for real this time, Michael was simply too amusing not to. And, usually, Calum would smack his friend across the head for starting such an idiotic conversation, but he caught sight of the girl next to him, shoulders shaking slightly as she held a hand to her mouth to muffle her laughter, and he simply couldn't.

Instead, he found himself grinning with the shake of his head, because she was adorable, and she was doing something equally as adorable. And, well, Calum couldn't really fault Michael for that.

Cole only rolled his eyes too, because the same sight of Elise giggling at his slightly obnoxious red haired friend made him lose most of his irritation.

Elise just seemed to have that effect on people, whether a third—much angrier—boy would admit it or not.

Michael grinned at the girl, turning to his friends with a slightly smug expression. "See? Lisi agrees with me."

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