30 - interrogation

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Luke wished he never had to leave her later that day.

Granted, it was quite late now, and she was probably asleep, but he still hated it. He wished he could've crawled into bed with her again, and fallen asleep in the peaceful way he only did when he was holding her.

But he had responsibilities. Ones that forced him to drive her home, where he stalled too long in the car and gave her a kiss that lingered too perfectly on his lips. He'd never been so reluctant to leave someone in his life.

She understood. She always did. And that made him feel like shit.

She was so patient, never putting the blame on him even when he deserved it, and never prying even though he knew she deserved some answers.

Luke sighed. He'd give them to her. The idea wasn't appealing but he knew by now what he was getting himself into with her. If she was going to be his, then he had to let her in, and if he was going to keep her, then she couldn't be kept in the dark. And Luke wasn't wiling to let her go—not for anything, and not for anyone.

He was torturing himself by thinking about her. He always did this, avoiding the crowds of people just behind the short hall, locking himself in his room just so he could impatiently wish he was with her instead. And he was doing it now, laying on his back across his leather couch, one knee propped up and bouncing, a bent arm behind his head, mind racing and heart thumping.

Luke huffed deeply. He started to wonder if he could sneak out without Ashton seeing, but he scrapped the idea as fast as it came. The boy was a fucking hawk. He caught everything Luke did.

He wasn't in the mood for that conversation, either. It would only give his friend more taunting fuel to put him in his place when he got a little too cocky. It was bullshit. He hated when Elise was used against him.

Also, as much as Luke was trying to ignore it, Ashton was literally less than 10 feet away from him, pretending to be focused on his phone, eyes flicking curiously to his friend every few minutes.

He shut his eyes for a moment, knee still bobbing impatiently. God, what he wouldn't do just to feel her head on his chest and his arm around her waist right now, so he could rake his fingers down her side and feel the shiver run through her. He'd probably ask her if she was cold, too, but she would say no, because it was because of him.

Luke groaned lightly in annoyance. He really wanted to leave.

"Dude," as predicted, Ashton was looking up from his phone, brows lifted in Luke's direction. "You good?"

"Peachy," he muttered.

Ashton nodded. "Yeah, that's what I was thinking. You look great. Super pumped,"

Luke smiled as sarcastically as he could. "You know me so well."

"I do, don't I?" Ashton actually grinned.

Luke didn't respond, merely rolling his eyes as he leaned his head back against his arm. He wasn't irritated with Ashton, actually. Not at all. He just didn't want to be here right now.

Ashton glanced at him warily. He was so far in his own thoughts it was almost amusing. "So," he started.

Here we go. Luke sighed. "So,"

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