25 - answer me

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Come here? Elise wasn't entirely sure what he wanted from her.

How much closer could she get? If she was being honest, she'd been inching towards him this whole time. She didn't know why exactly, nor did she know if he realized, but they were very close already.

Any closer, and she'd be on top of him. The idea didn't sound too bad, actually, but was that what he meant? She wasn't sure.

Luke wasn't all that sure either. He just said it—commanded it, rather—from the same part of him that couldn't keep his lips off her from the moment she opened the door.

It slipped out in a moment of sexual frustration; something he was becoming too familiar with and something he was on the verge of tipping past. He'd be lying if he said he didn't know what he'd meant at the time of his vague command, but now, as she looked at him with slight confusion and hesitance, he wasn't sure where to go from here.

He couldn't take it back, but perhaps he could change direction. She was too innocent to understand his intentions, too pure to decipher the look of want on his face. And Luke hated himself for how easily that turned him on all the more, for the idea of showing her, of easing her into all the things he knew he could do to make her feel good, was absolutely intoxicating.

But he was hesitant, more hesitant than he'd ever been in his life and with anyone before. He cared about her too much to let his desires control him, and he liked her too much to risk losing what he had with her.

So, he cleared his throat, and played it safe. "Come here," he clarified. "So I can kiss you."

Elise wondered if that was what he really wanted to say. The look on his face told her no, that he was pushing something down, but she figured she could be wrong. It was just the moment they'd had only seconds before that made her skeptical, made her feel like there was something else in the air.

For a second it seemed like he wanted to do something more. And she really wouldn't have minded.

Still, she couldn't deny that she wanted to kiss him again, so with a small, shy smile and the knowledge that he was watching her intently, she whispered a faint "Okay," just enough for him to catch.

Luke tugged on his lip ring in anticipation, carefully shifting her knee that rested on his thigh as she sat up to crawl closer, unintentionally—but also definitely intentionally—guiding her to place it on the bed between his outstretched legs, enough so that he had her hovering over just one of his thighs, knees bent on either side of it.

She didn't take much notice of the position, but he did; especially as one of his hands curled around her side to pull her closer, and the other snaked through the side of her damp hair. He couldn't get enough of it.

He had her close and she was eager. He could tell. It sparked something in him, something that made him pause before his lips touched hers, retracting them at the last second and placing them on her cheek, instead.

Luke could feel the pout on her face before he even pulled back, the one kind of frown from her that satisfied him to no end.

"What?" He asked his precious, pouting little girl when he pulled back, amused.

Elise frowned deeper. "That wasn't a kiss," she mumbled.

"Yes it was," he argued, smoothly leaning in to demonstrate on the same spot once again.

"Yeah, but—" she was frustrated. He knew what she meant, and she didn't know how to explain something he already understood. "Not really." She went with.

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