Chapter 25

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If Chris didn't think I liked him before he probably does now. The whole walk to Waffle House I kept a hand tightly wrapped around a large section of my hair, slightly pulling down whenever my mind drifted back to kissing Chris and how desperately I wanted more. Inside Waffle House it was a ghost town and I saw Shelby finishing up mopping the floor. When she glanced up to see me a smile spread over her face and she put her mop in the bucket beside her.

"Nice of you to show up Nicky." She remarked.

"Hey, sorry I've been super busy." I apologize with a meek smile.

She shrugged, still grinning at me, "You're alright, so I'm about to end my shift do you want to come back to come back to my place for a chat?"

"Sure, sounds good."

She nodded telling me to hang on while she clocked out. A few minutes later Shelby dashes back to me, her apron and hat were gone, so she was just in all black. Her ponytail bobbed slightly as she cheered, "Sweet freedom! Let's go!"

I quietly followed her out of the diner and she was quick to notice my silence, so she asked, "So clearly you stopped by because you needed to talk to me about something. Let me guess, it has to do with Chris."

"Yeah, part of it."

"Okay, well let's hear it. I'm all ears." 

I ran the same story by her that I had told Chris and I was surprised that she just listened the whole time. When we reached her place and got settled in her very purple room I got to my main point, "So after I told him all about what happened at Starbucks I noticed that he seemed different, he was more touchy with me. Then out of nowhere he kisses me, when he was done he got up and just left me there without telling me why."

That's when Shelby finally decided to stop me, "Wait isn't he still with Lily?"

I nodded frantically, "That's what I don't understand why would he kiss me, especially the way he did, if he's in a relationship? It doesn't make sense."

"Hon, guys never make sense, but this is different. He can't be playing with the two of you like this. The next time you see him confront him about it and don't back down until he gives you an answer, a real answer at that."

"Right, I'll go do it now." I proclaim pushing myself off her bed. 

She grabbed my shoulder hastily saying, "Hang on there miss thing, I think you should chill out for a bit here. It seems like you've had enough excitement for the moment."

I sighed flopping back into my spot, "You're right."

"So Nick, tell me some more about yourself, we barely know each other as it is." As she spoke she removed her work shoes, tossing them next to some beautiful combat boots by her dresser and took a seat at the other end of the mattress.

I shrugged, "There's not really much for me to tell you."

She let out a dry laugh, "Sure, I bet you are the type of girl that plays off talking about yourself when in reality you've probably got a shit ton of skeletons in your closet."

All I could do was give her a shocked look, speechless over the fact she was right.

"The only reason I know this is because I'm the same way. Foster kid, separated twin, and I have a dream of being a suicide girl. And no it doesn't make me a slut, I just want to show off my bad ass tattoos and model. Boom suicide girls are the perfect combo in my opinion." She tells me a nod and a satisfied smirk.

I took advantage of talking about her instead of myself, "How many tattoos do you have?"

"Hm, I haven't counted in forever. How about I change really quick and then I'll show you?" She suggests.

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