Goodtime With Liz: Chapter 14

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*Liz came to Neverland for dinner and first everybody sit in the living room*

Mary: how are you Liz?

Liz: im fine dear and you?

Mary: im good too.. we didn't talk much at the party ..

Liz: yeah that's why im here sweetheart .. where's the King Of Pop?

Mary: he's getting ready upstairs

He will be here in few minutes ..

Michael: two beautiful ladies forgot me i guess.. haha

Liz: how can i forget you Mr.King Of Pop .. how are you my dear?

Michael: im totally fine Liz and you?

Liz: I'm better as always ...

* Michael, Liz, and Mary had a long conversation* after dinner *

Liz: i need to go dears we'll meet soon .. love you!

Mary and Michael: goodbye take care of yourself!!

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