A Love Night: Chapter 7

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*Michael came back from the conference he was very happy that now everybody knows that Mary was his love*

Michael: Honey ?

Mary: Baby, would you like to sleep with me ?

Michael: isn't that sexy haha

Mary: Of course it is !

Michael: i love to!

Mary: Follow me than..

*Michael followed Mary, she takes him to a room which was decorated with Flowers,colourful lights,and there was a bed ful of flowers*

Michael: is that for me ?

Mary: yeah that's for some special time .. *Mary in a sexy tune*

Michael: im excited !

*so they kissed and Mary started to undress herself, Michael was so shocked to see her without any clothes*

Michael: Now im going to faint, YOU SEXY WOMAN!!!

Mary: Oh no its your turn !

Michael: well im so shy haha i can't

Mary: let me help you than

*Mary undress Michael, he was so shy..*

Michael: are you going to do that stuff ? I mean the thing?!

Mary: well its up to you, im ready to do it now .. im scared a bit..

Michael: you trust me?

Mary: i do trust you Michael

Michael: it will hurt a bit i will try my best .. don't be scared okay i love you and that's a part of our love ..

Mary: but im a Virgin ..

Michael: i will be gentle .. ill do it very slow i promise ..

Michael put his one finger in her vagina ..

Mary: ahh that hurtss Michael

Michael: hey i know but you have to be brave .. it'll hurt a bit ..

He put two fingers inside her she moaned ..

Michael: now it's time to bang you haha

Mary: be careful Michael please ..

Michael: i will honey ..

Michael put his dick into Mary's vagina .. there was blood coming out from her ..

Mary: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Aaaoooooww argh Michael stop right there please ahh that is so difficult please stop !!

Michael: baby we're done !! Look your no more virgin now .. congratulation!!

Mary: but it still hurts ..

Michael: but i have to put it back .. so let's do it ..

Mary was in pain because it was her first sex .. with Michael .. she moaned .. after 15 mints everything was totally alright there was no pain at all ..

*they had sex, so they went to sleep*


March 17

*Michael and Mary were so embarrass to see at eachother ..Mary and Michael came out of the room they were reacting like they dont know eachother because they were embarrass*

Michael: Ummm good morning

Mary: you too ..

Michael: I'm so embarrass from the last night .. but i enjoyed it!

Mary: well that was a ummm good night i liked it too ..

Michael: see into my eyes and talk to me .. why your ignoring me?

Mary: Michael i can't see into your eyes im so embarrass from last night ... Im sorry

Michael: hey dont be i was too but that was a part of our love that's all .. nothing to be embarrass of..

Mary: i think your right ..

March 18

*Mary's mum visit neverland and meet Michael and Mary there*

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