Something Went Wrong: Chapter 20

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Mary's POV

So we went to the award show at 10 and there were Michael's friends like Elizabeth,Liza Minnelli,Eddie Murphy,Lionel Richie,Quincy Jones and ahh Brooke I really don't like her because Michael told me that she's his crush ... Well im so excited for Michael's album HISTORY; Past,Present And Future and it has so awesome songs .. i hope he will win more awards!!!

....After Show.....

Michael's POV

I don't know how to thank my producers and directors and mostly

My love Mary .. each and every man wants a happy life and kids but she loves me the most im okay with it that she can't be a mother . I love her that's all i know.. today i won 5 awards for my dangerous album ..

Mary: hey king of pop?

Michael: haha yeah?!

Mary: you look tired , ill give you a message ..

Michael: oh yeah that would be perfect ..

Mary: take off your clothes .. and lay down on the bed ..

Michael: okay ma'am *laughs*

Mary started to gave him a message and Michael was in total relief ..

Michael: it's just a message?

Mary: no i was making cheese burger on you !

Michael: i thought you wanna do something. You know what i mean!?

Mary: Michael Jackson its 3am at night.. go and wear your clothes cause your looking like stick hahahahahaha

Michael: wait a minute! Excuse me babe maybe you think i look like a stick but let me tell you one thing that this stick can FUCK so hard .. believe me!!

Mary: oh really now go to sleep.. *laughs* FUCK so hard ! What a joke

Michael grabbed her against the wall and starting unzipping her dress ..

Mary: Michael!!!!!!! What the hell!!! Are you sick !!! Stop okay that's not funny ..!!!!

Michael: lemme show you that im not a simple man who FUCK a woman really slow *laughs* just watch and i swear i will not stop till you scream!!!!!

Mary: you out of your mind .. honey please let me go please ..

Michael put his 7 inches dick very roughly ..Mary screaming so hard .. the maid thought that something is wrong with Mary so she ran to the room and when sghe knocks the door Michael angrily said "GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!"

Mary: *crying* please Michael let me go please .. it hurts please Michael .. i was joking please!!! *crying harder* Aaahhh please M.....m...m....Michael !!!!!

*Sarah came to their room door because she thought if there's something wrong*

Sarah: Ma'am are you alright??!!

Michael shouted: GO AWAY!!!!!!

After 4 hours Michael stopped, Mary was faint because it was just so hard .. a real hard sex!!!




Mary woke up early so was Michael .. Michael was in wardrobe getting ready for recording .. Mary wanted to stand up but she couldn't .. she was scared to call Michael .. but Michael came to her and said

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