Offer For A Stay: Chapter 2

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Michael was waiting for his guest in the diningroom ...

*after 5mints*

Mary came ..

Michael: hello dear, how are you ?

Mary: thank you Mr.Jackson im fine and how are you ?

Michael: im fine thank you.. please call me Michael, i feel old when someone call me Mr.Jackson.

Mary: oh sorry, *in a shy voice* Michael ..

Michael: let's have dinner ..

Mary: sure ..

*after having dinner Michael take Mary for a walk of Neverland*

Mary: Oh My! That's a huge house,

I mean a palace 0_0

Michael: i put each and every stufff here that i never experience ..

Mary: how sweet! Can i ask you something Michael ?

Michael: go ahead

Mary: maybe you will get angry.. im scared so i can't

Michael: no, i will not..

Mary: Can you kiss me ?

Michael: that's what you were afraid of ? Of course!

*Michael kissed her on the forehead*

Mary: No, you get me wrong, i wanted a kiss on the umm you know, i can't say it omg -__-

Michael: wait, you want me to kiss you on lips ? Aren't you ?

Mary:Ha! You got me !

Michael: oh my, that's so embarrassing .. well if you want then i will ..

*Mary was about to kiss him than Michael stopped her*

Michael: no, not now .. i will be but just not now .. your my guest i respect what you said ..

Mary: im so sorry, im..sorry.. please forgive me :(

Michael: oh dont be .. i actually starting liking you !

Mary: oh really Michael ... !!!

Michael: yeah really .. can you stay at my house tonight ? Would you ?

Mary: OMJ !!! yeah i will its a pleasure ...

Michael: that's great than, by the way whats OMJ ?

Mary: haha thats 'Oh My Jackson'

Michael: haha wow ! Let me show you your room :) follow me

Mary: how beautiful this room is OMJ that's huge .. thank you Michael ... I really loved it!!!

Michael: im glad that you liked it

Okay It's late now hey did you tell your mum that your staying here?

Mary: yeah i called her so she knows now, don't be worried :)


January 27

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