A Goodbye: Chapter 3

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Mary to servant: excuse me, where's Michael ?

Servant: sir is in the drawing room ..

Mary: okay thanks.

*Mary goes to the drawing room

She saw Michael was writing something*

Mary: morning, what's that ?

Michael: just writing a song .. how was your night ?

Mary: peaceful :) would you mind if i ask what kinda song ?

Michael: a love song ..

Mary: oh wow, sing the lyrics please ...

Michael: well okay the song name is "The Way You Love Me" ...

*Michael starts singing the song*

*song ends*

Mary: Darn!! Now i know why your the biggest superstar ...

Michael: thank you :)

Mary: omg your blushing haha!

Michael: hahahaha !!!

Mary: can i ask you something Michael ?

Michael: anything ..

Mary: do you have a girlfriend ?

Michael: oh haha no im single !!

Mary: would you like to be my boyfriend then ??? *blushing*

Michael: oh my, umm your 19 and 30 .. that's so weird. Isn't it ?

Mary: ahh don't worry my mum was 18 and my dad was 35 when they got married .. so chill .. will you???

Michael: well, i really liked you from the start so i will be but i will not fell anyone not about that and you too, okay?

Mary: okay new boyfriend

*both laughed*

*Mary's phone ringing*

Mary: hey mum, ill be there in a minute .. ok!

Michael i have to go now we'll meet soon ok ..

Michael: Mary, umm will you tell your mum about all this ?

Mary: yeah because without her advise i will not be your proper girlfriend but i love you!

Michael: that's so sweet of you honey.. ops you mind ?

Mary: no that's actually sounds seriously sweet :)

*Mary leaves neverland*

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