After A Long Time: 24

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Mary: Ohh you finally woke up hottie!

Michael: yeah .. let's have a shower ..

Mary: of course i was waiting for you to wake up honey ..

Michael's POV

me and Mary is having a shower together after a long time but somethings wrong .. she dont look excited or something .. something is hurtt that's the look on her face ..

Michael: Baby are you alright?

Mary: hmmm yeah! Im fine

Michael: no you dont look fine okay! What is happenin?

Mary: Michael my frontal era is paining a bit!

Michael: and your telling me this now! Your silly .. show me

Mary: now this is silly omj that's embarrassing Michael

Michael: oh my god your so weird .. WE HAD SEX LAST NIGHT MISS!!

Mary: ah okay *covers her face with her hands*

Michael: oh my!! Its reddish...

Mary: what!! How can this happen .. i wasn't a virgin ?! What the fuck..

Michael: i think actually you had sex after a loooooong time that's why maybe!?

Mary: yeah maybe that's true .. well It's gonna be fine .. we're having a shower!! Hey what's that now?!! Your Mikey jr is standing up? Why?

Michael: idk whenever he sees that reddish piece of cake he stands up .. that's not my fault at all!

Mary: King Of Pop i wanna see your fans so so so happy, you know how?

Michael: How?

Mary: by leaking your naked photos hahaha

Michael: dont you ever do that!

Mary: keep calm i wont .. ily baby you know that ..

Michael: ily more than anything!

Mary: get dressed handsome husband you have a recording today ..

Michael: oh yeah i totally forgot hottie wifey thanks for reminder :* ily

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