One in a million

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“Megan, chill out. Even if I do apply, there is practically zero chance I would get it. AND, not to mention, I don’t even WANT the job.”

            “Will you please apply?? I mean, wouldn’t it be awesome to be able to see One Direction EVERYDAY???”

            “Sam, you do have to apply for a job anyway.” Amanda said, aiding my sister. I rolled my eyes.

            “Whatever. And, just for the record, it would NOT be awesome to see them every day.”

            So I clicked the apply button. I mean, really, what are the odds of them picking me? One in a million…

            “OH MY GOSH!!! I need to go get ready!! The concert starts in 4 hours!!”

            “Megan, it’s only a 45 minute drive.”

            “But we need to be there early!! What if they come say hi to early fans??”

            I rolled my eyes. I wasn’t winning this argument. After all, this IS the worst day of my life. So, Megan went and got ready, making a sign and everything, as I finished chatting with Amanda. Soon enough, we were in my car on our way to a One Direction concert. Megan ran her mouth the entire way up and the whole time we were in line. She kept on rambling about her “calculations of the possibilities of meeting One Direction.” I just sat there and rolled my eyes.

            Finally, we made it to the front of the line and I handed them the tickets. It was still going to be a while before the concert started so we browsed through the food and merchandise stands. It was all One Direction so nothing interested me. Megan on the other hand…

            “Oh Em Gosh!! Sam I just HAVE to get this!!” She said holding up a One Direction T-shirt. I had already given up on trying making this a good day so I decided to at least let Megan have a good day. So I strolled up and gave the guy my money.

            “THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SAM!! You are sooo awesome!! I mean not as awesome as One Direction but pretty close!”

            I grabbed the bag and gave it to her. As I was about to continue on my way, I felt a sharp jab on my shoulder. I spun around to see who it was, hoping and praying none of the kids at school had come and recognized me. To my surprise, there stood a tall man in a black t-shirt.

            “Excuse me. Are you Miss Samantha Johannes?”

            “Um yes. That would be me. May I help you?”

            “Yes. I am Simon Cowell.” He said, cautiously lowering the sunglasses he was wearing. “And I received your job application…”

            I zoned out there. There in front of me was Simon Cowell. THE Simon Cowell!! I’m not a fan of One Direction, but this is SIMON COWELL!! Then I stopped, thinking about what he said. I received your job application. Oh, no.

            “So, I am pleased to tell you that we are happy to have you aboard Miss Johannes.”

            It took every ounce of my self control not to drop my mouth wide open. I was quickly trying to think of a way to decline but then a voice rang in my head.

            If you get a job, you have to follow through for at least a month.

             I was dead-locked. Crud. So I said the only nice thing that came to my mind.


            “Fantastic.” He said, ironically, showing no emotion at all. “Let me take you backstage so I can show you what you need to do.”

            “Um. Mr. Cowell, I kind of promised to take my sister to see One Direction in concert.”

            “Don’t fret. I have already made arrangements so you can keep a close eye on your sister from backstage.” He winked.

            What’s that supposed to mean? Megan understood before I did. Wait a second, oh. She got front row seats.

            “Oh My GOSH!! THANK YOU THANK YOU Mr. Cowell!! I promise my sister will not let you down!”

            I wanted to sit down a minute, just to take in what just happened. But, unfortunately, I was quickly whisked away to backstage as my sister was ushered to her seat by a security guard. Simon quickly explained to me what I would do, which mainly consisted of making sure One Direction got to where they were supposed to be when they were supposed to be there. Which translated into this: babysitting 5 teenage boys. Oi.

            “Do you understand your duties, Ms. Johannes?”

            “Yes sir.”

            I decided to treat it like any other job. Listen to the boss, do your duties, and take the paycheck. How hard can it be? I mean, I needed the money, anyway. But I had no idea what I was getting into…

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