Laser Tag and Louis

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I woke up the next morning at 10 to the smell of something burning. Crud. The boys must have beaten me to making breakfast. I jumped up and ran out of my room and into the kitchen to see all five of the boys yelling.

            “Turn it off!”

            “The smoke detector is going to detect the smoke!”

            “Fix it before Sam finds out!”

            “Ahem. Boys what is going on?” I interrupted.

            “HE DID IT!” Four of them yelled, pointing to Harry.

            “It was an accident!”

            I rolled my eyes and opened the oven to find about 30 burnt pancakes. Yes. In the oven.

            “Harry, you do not bake pancakes.” I said calmly. “And it is just burnt food. No need to yell at each other. If you wanted breakfast, you should’ve come woke me up.”

            “Okay.” They replied. Note to self: Boys stay out of the kitchen. Period. As soon as I ushered them out of the kitchen, I whipped up a new, non-burnt batch of pancakes and brought them out. Not too long after they ate, we arrived at the hotel.

            “Yeah!!” Niall yelled. “Finally out of this bus!” I walked out and grabbed 6 bags, my backpack and one duffel bag for each of the boys. Liam saw me and, being a gentleman, grabbed three.

            “Why do we only have 6 bags?” Harry asked.

            “There are only 6 people.” I replied.

            “How can you live with only that many clothes?”

            “It’s just a week, Harry. You will live.”

            “But what if I need a specific shirt but the shirt is in a different bag?”

            “Then you wear a different shirt.”

            “But what if I need that specific shirt?”

            “Worst-case scenario: you come out to the bus and get the shirt.”

            “Without a shirt on?”

            “No Harry. You put a different shirt on, go get the shirt, and change.”

            “Why? What’s wrong with this?” He pulled up his shirt.

            “Because girls will cause a riot if you walk into a public hotel parking lot shirtless.”

            He had no comeback for that so the rest of the elevator ride to the rooms was fairly quiet. We made it up to the rooms and searched around. Management had gotten two rooms one large and one small. The small one was for me and the large one was for the boys. There was a door that connected them so I could check up on them easily. The boys claimed beds and I connected my laptop to the hotel wifi. I sent out a few emails and googled attractions around the area so I didn’t have to deal with “I’m bored” all week. I found a beach, a movie theatre, and a couple of other things, like laser tag. Sure enough, after a few hours of getting things situated, they started getting bored. Thankfully, I had just printed laser tag tickets.

            “I’m bored.” Louis said.

            “No worries. Who wants to go play laser tag?”

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