Secrets revealed

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 I woke up fairly early the next morning, not wanting another incident with the boys deciding to make breakfast. Thank God there’s a kitchen in my hotel room. I whipped up some French toast, and yes I did make some jokes about the boys being British eating French toast…hehehe. After I had finished cooking, I lightly knocked on the boy’s door. No answer. So I knocked again. Still no answer. I knocked one more time and, thankfully, Zayn answered.

            “Oh, hi.”

            “Hello. Breakfast is done.”

            “Oh okay. The other lads are still asleep.” He said, letting me in.

            “Okay.” I set up the table and returned to my room. I might as well get ready while the boys were still asleep. I planned on taking them to the beach so I slipped on my black and blue bikini with jean shorts and an off-the-shoulder baby blue t-shirt. As I slipped on the shirt, I glanced down at my stomach and remembered the scar. Well, that’s not a story I want to tell the boys. So I quickly changed into a t-shirt that I wouldn’t mind getting wet. I threw my hair up in a ponytail and was ready to go. I knocked on the boy’s door and was greeted by a tired Harry.

            “Good morning Harry.”

            “Hi.” I walked in and was happy to see that they had already eaten.

            “Sam, what are we doing today?” Niall asked.

            “Do ya’ll wanna go down to the beach?”

            “Yes!” he replied. All of the boys’ faces lit up and I was satisfied, knowing they liked the choice of events.

            “Okay. Well, you boys get ready and I’ll run out to the bus and find some sunscreen and towels. Sound good?”

            “Yeah.” I finished picking up breakfast and slipped on my flip flops. As I left the building, I peered around for fans, making sure they hadn’t found where the boys were staying. Thankfully, it hadn’t gotten out… yet. I walked up to the bus and found a bunch of towels, but no sunscreen. I searched around a little more, but no luck. So I texted the boys.

            To: Louis, Harry, Zayn, Liam, and Niall

            Running out to the store to get sunscreen. Will be back in 5 minutes.

            I hopped in the rental car and started it up, while punching in a few things to turn my phone into a GPS. Thankfully, there was a grocery store not too far off. I got there quickly and found the sunscreen. Then, clumsy me almost ran into a checkout counter. It scraped me, of all places; right on my scar and my scar started bleeding out. Don’t over react Sam. You have the bandage the doctor gave you if it started bleeding again. You’ll just have to put that on and not swim. No big deal. I quickly checked out and grabbed a few tissues out of my purse to keep the blood off of my shirt. I finally got back to the hotel and went inside. The boys were all ready and inside waiting on me.

            “Hey, you guys go ahead and put sunscreen on. I have to finish getting ready.”

            “Okay. We’ll be here.”

            “I would hope so.”I laughed.

            I quickly shut the door behind me and examined my wound. It wasn’t bleeding too badly, but the scar was almost torn off. I cut the part that was torn off, being careful not to cut anymore of it off. I wrapped the bandage tightly around my waist and decided to just suntan the entire time. When I walked out, the boys were slathered up and ready.

            “Ok ya’ll! Let’s go!” I yelled, as we filed out the door. The front of the hotel was still fan-free, so we hopped in the car without a problem. I only hoped that the beach would be the same way.

            We made it to the beach and the boys ran to the ocean, throwing their shirts wherever they seemed fit. I rolled my eyes and went to picking them up. I set up all of our towels, laying mine out flat for sunbathing. I put on my sunglasses and started reading my book, occasionally looking up to check on the boys. That lasted for all of 10 minutes before they started pestering me to get in.

            “Come on, Sam! You are missing out on all the fun!” Niall whined.

            “No way guys. I would if I could, but I can’t.”

            “Why can’t you?” Zayn inquired.

            “It’s, ummm…” I stuttered for a minute. “Medical.”

            That got them off my back, or so it seemed. Not long after, as I was standing up to stretch out, Louis grabbed me by the waist and threw me in the water.

            “Louis!” I yelled, scrambling to get on shore.

            “What’s wrong, Sam?”

            “I told you. I have a medical problem.” I tried to stay cal as I took my shirt off, revealing the bandage now drenched in blood. Louis had a shocked expression. The other boys swam onshore, I guess sensing something was wrong. I felt myself getting light-headed from blood loss.

            “Louis, look at me. I am about to faint. Do not panic. Take me straight to the hospital. Give them my name and show them my dog tag.” I pointed to the necklace on my neck.  

            “Come on Sam. It’s okay. We’ll get you to the hospital. It’ll be okay…” he continued talking, but I blacked out. The last thing I saw was Liam running toward Louis. 

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