Cleaning up the mess

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            The boys had made a smart move and left me alone. I finally stood up and switched on the TV. Then I remembered something. I haven’t seen Louis since lunch. I know he’s been avoiding me but… I jumped up and ran into the boys’ room.

            “Have any of ya’ll seen Louis?” I said, in the calmest way possible.

            “He’s in there, love.” Zayn said, pointing to their bedroom door. “Hasn’t come out since noon.”

            “Thanks.” I quietly opened the door.

            “Get out Niall.” Louis said, assuming I was Niall. I walked over to the bed he was laying face-down on and sat down beside him.

            “Crud you Niall! I said get…” He popped up. “Oh my gosh. Sam.”

            “Hey Lou.”

            “Sam, I uh…” he said, trying to find what to say.

            “Louis, just let me talk.” He nodded, urging me to go on.

            I spilled the story about how I was afraid after what Thomas did to me and I couldn’t imagine going through another break-up like that. I felt the tears coming back out and over my face. I tried to choke them back down, but all that made me do was cry more. He pulled me in and I nuzzled my face into his shirt.

            “I would never cheat on you, Sam. And even if it wasn’t working and we broke up, we’d still be friends. I love you too much to let you get away.”

            “I love you too.” I lifted up my face off of his shirt. “And I'm sorry I ruined your shirt.” I chuckled, seeing the mascara stains down the front of it.

            “Don’t worry, love. I’ve got plenty more.” He laughed. We both stood up.

            “Well, I'm gonna sneak into my room and fix my makeup.” I said.

            “I need to change my shirt anyway.”

            I walked out of the room and tried to avoid eye contact with the boys. I mean, I had mascara running down my face. Thankfully, they were enveloped in the TV show they were watching on my TV. Note to self: buy the hotel new TV. I quickly shut the bathroom door and fixed my makeup, using waterproof mascara, just in case. I walked back out and was hounded by the boys.

            “What happened, Sam?”

            “Did Louis ask you out?”

            “No, he didn’t ask me out. I talked to him, like you told me Niall, and he was cool with it.”

            “So, are you guys dating now?” Harry asked.

            “Umm… I'm not exactly sure.”

            “We’re gonna have to talk to Louis.” Liam said, looking at the other guys.

            “No, you won’t. Let us figure it out ourselves.” I intervened.

            “Fine.” He grumbled. I went into the kitchen to make dinner, with one question ringing in the back of my head.

            What happens now? 

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