The start of something new...

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            Finally, Simon took me right behind the stage curtains. I was amazed. I could see everything. My sister was in front, singing like crazy along with One Direction. My eyes slowly followed her gaze and I saw the 5 of them. They were sitting there singing, looking like they were genuinely having fun.

            Not bad actors…

            I looked out through the crowd and my mouth almost dropped open. All of these girls fell for it!! They actually thought they were having fun! I could not believe my eyes…

            “So, what are you thinking?” Simon asked.

            I couldn’t tell him that I thought his band was faking having fun so I told a half truth.

            “Wow” I replied.

            “You’ll be able to meet the boys face-to-face in a few minutes. For now, you can go back into the backstage area and, as you Americans say, ‘take a chill pill.’” I almost started laughing. It was pretty funny hearing “take a chill pill” in a British accent. Thankfully, I held my composure. I was shown back to the backstage area and sat down. Simon left almost immediately, leaving me tapping on my phone. Twitter, Facebook, and texting: my life in a few words. Well, it used to be. I guess that’s changing.

            First, I texted my mom, telling her that I got a job that required me to travel a lot so I’ll visit often. My mom isn’t much. I mean, she provides us with food and everything but she’s rarely home. Usually, Margie takes care of us. Margie is the housekeeper. She’s nice and lets me do whatever I want. During our talk, Simon and I agreed I will drive Megan home and leave her with Margie. While there, I would pack all my things and then come back so we could hit the road. Whoa, my life is moving fast. This morning I was sulking over my stupid ex-boyfriend. Now I’m about to go on tour as assistant manager of One Direction. Where did the time go?

            Next I texted Amanda, and, in 3 massive texts, explained everything that happened. She will not believe it. I mean, really, I hardly believe it! Then I checked Facebook and Twitter. Hmm… I think I will wait a bit to let everyone know what’s going on…. I scrolled through my Facebook and Twitter a bit before they came in. And, yes, when I say they I mean them. One Direction

{ Author’s note: :0 What do ya’ll think is gonna happen???? Well you won’t have to wait long cause I am about to post the next chapter. :DD Hey, I am as excited as you are!! :P And btw I am aware this is a very short chapter. Sorry. :(}

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