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             The glass bottle shatters by my head. I run over to the fridge and open it up. It is empty. I turn around to face him.

            “No more.” I say quietly.

            “NO MORE?!?!” he staggers at me and slaps me across the face. He stumbles backwards and the door opens. ‘Mom’s home’ I think. Dad runs back at me, this time clutching a knife. He throws himself at me but someone jumps in his path. The knife pierces their heart and they fall back on my lap. I see a face. But it’s not my mom’s… I gasp as I recognize the face. Louis…. He mouths something: Run.

            “I can’t leave you!” I shout, but Dad has his balance again. I run. As I run, I hear one last scream and I know it. Louis is dead…

            I wake up, screaming, but I quickly stop.

            “Sam, it was just a dream. Louis isn’t dead. It was Mom who died. Louis is still here. There is nothing to worry about.” I mutter to myself, trying to ease the fear. Louis suddenly busts through the door with a bat.

            “Sam, are you okay?” he asks.

            “I’m fine, Louis. Go back to sleep. I’m sorry for waking you.” I say with as much strength as I can muster, but my voice cracks. He lowers the bat and walks over and sits on the bed with me.

            “Bad dream, love?” I nodded and he pulled me in for a hug. I tense up, trying to conceal my emotions. I was so used to doing so. Louis notices right away. “It’s okay to cry. I don’t mind. I won’t judge you. Do you want to talk about it?”

            I shook my head no, unable to find words. He pulled me in closer and whispered something into my ear.

            “Let go”

            I felt my body loosen up and the tears ran down my face. We held each other closer than physically possible and I felt myself slowly drift to sleep.

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