Chapter Five

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05- Road Trip Bitches
Music- Monopoly / Ariana Grande

————————————————————PHOEBE POVI wake up exhausted the next day, still remembering the chaos that happened yesterday

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I wake up exhausted the next day, still remembering the chaos that happened yesterday. I groan and desperately try to get back to sleep. But suddenly my phone goes off. "Ugh whoever is waking me up better watch out." I say into the phone. "Chill out ninja Turtle, do you want to come on a road trip to find out what you and the Lockwood's are?" Damon asks with a smug voice. "Ok Ok, I'm awake. Just give me an hour and I'll be ready." I yawn whilst stretching. "Good, Elena and Alaric are going, meet me outside of Elena's house." He orders me and I groan before hanging up the phone. I take a super quick shower and dry my hair. I brush it and leave it in its natural wavy state then get changed. My outfit today is black heart earrings, a pair of cat eye sunglasses, white Adidas trainers, khaki coloured jeans, crop top and jacket. My makeup is a natural eye-shadow and natural lipstick. I grab my backpack, fill it with food and necessary supplies before heading downstairs.

I quickly inform my mom where I'm going and she doesn't really care, apart from the fact I've actually made friends. I quickly hug her goodbye and exit the house. As I walk down the path and towards the car, I see Elena and Stefan making Damon jealous by kissing. I walk up to them and Damon turns towards me with his devilish smirk. "Want to make out?" I roll my eyes. "Tempting, but you'd be lucky if we ever do that again." I smirk and get in the car. I say hi to Alaric and Elena waves at me as she gets in the back seat with me. Damon enters the passenger seat and Alaric ends up being the driver. After a short while, Damon reaches his arm into the back. "How are you doing back there?" Alaric sighs at him "Leave them alone." He says so quietly, I almost missed it. "You know this whole pretending to hate me thing is getting pretty old." Alaric speaks up louder. "I don't think she's pretending, you did kill her brother." I lean forward and put both hands up as a one and a zero. "One point to Alaric." He smiles and Damon rolls his eyes. Elena continues to stare out of the window in silence. "He came back to life." Damon sighs as if it's not his fault.. "Yeah thanks to a ring you didn't know he was wearing." Elena comments in a snarky tone. I once again hold up my hands to make a one and a zero. "One point to Elena." Damon turns around quickly and points at me. "Would you cut that out?" He says in a sassy tone. I try to contain my laugh. He turns back towards Elena. "How are you so sure I didn't know?" Elena finally stops looking out of the window and towards Damon. "Did you?" Damon turns back to the front. "Yes." Elena makes an unimpressed face. "You're lying." Damon turns back around again. "Elena, I saw the ring. It's a big tacky thing, hard to miss." Alaric turns the music up louder to drown out the arguing.


We finally make it to Alaric's wife's old office. We all enter at once, I continue to stretch after being stuck in the car for ages. I stretch my arms right in front of Damon's face and he pushes me away and I quickly push him back. "You two are such children." Alaric comments and we both roll our eyes then laugh. We come across a young woman looking through some boxes. "Hi I'm Alaric Saltzman, I called earlier." Alaric introduces himself and shakes her hand. "Yes of course. I'm Vanessa Monroe, research assistant, comparative folklore." She looks up and down at the rest of us. "Let me just grab my keys." She points towards her desk still looking curiously at us three. "Oh sorry these are my friends Damon, Elena and Phoebe." Alaric comments and we all smile. "I hope this isn't too much of an imposition." Alaric continues and Vanessa shakes her head.

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