Chapter Two

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When I got home I felt like I was being watched as I walked to the front door. I turn around but see nothing other than the nightly shadows. As I unlock the door and flick on the lights as I lock the door. As I decide to head to my room to change and go to sleep I sigh as I walk into my room. 'What am I going to do now?' I think to myself as I grab my pj's and put them on and get into my queen-size bed with a cover that has violet flowers over a black background, such a peaceful image...  I get comfortable and fall asleep just to have a horrible weird dream.


"Shady? Is that you?!" A male voice says.

"Dad? Is that you? Why did you leave me and mom?" I look everywhere but could only see shadows. I walk and walk for what felt like fifteen minutes but find nothing around me when all of a sudden I feel someone grab my arm. I shriek causing a weird muffled echo to go across the darkness. Looking at my arm I noticed that a shadow has a hold on my arm. I hear the male voice again.

"Shady, my you have grown. it's nice to see you again." The shadow man lets go of my arm and continues to talk after a pause. "I haven't seen you since you were three months old. How's your mother? Is she alright? You shouldn't be able to come here unless you're in danger?" I try to look at his face but only see blackness.

"How do know me, are you really my father?!" I ask the mysterious man or shadow I should say. He sighs in sadness.

"I'm...your father Shady. I'm sorry I "left" it wasn't my choice to do so. I hope to see you later in real life and not through the mind link we share."

(End of dream)

I jump up from bed with a cold sweat. "What the hell was that!?" I feel a burn on my right wrist. I look at it to find a tattoo appear, it looks like an 'S' but swirly and with swirls coming out of it. "What the hell...?" I look around but see nothing that could have made that mark. Weird. I get up and try washing it off but it wouldn't come off. Freaky, did someone broke in and tattooed me? I look around and see nothing out of the norm. Shady, that's stupid, you would have woken up...that is if you weren't drugged...  I say to myself in a "duh"  kind of tone. I get up and get ready for school. What the hell is on my arm. I think to myself as I head out.

When I arrive I notice my teachers looking at me sadly. Why can't they mind their own freaking business?

"Shady! Shady! Come over here!" I hear my best friend call me. I walk towards her and notice she's with her boyfriend Lorance.

"Hi Stef, hi Lorance. How are you?" They smile at me. Stefani is such a charming girl, beautiful too. Her hair is a beautiful golden brown, her eyes are mixed with hazel and brown, and not to forget her light skin is as smooth and silky as a baby's. Okay, that sounds weird...

"We're fine...what about you? Are you okay?" I sigh, but what can I do. My friends always worry about me, especially after what I told them yesterday after I got the news and drove to the hospital.

"Yeah... it's okay, she's...okay." I say solemnly as they nod.

"If you need anything just call me ok?" I nod back in agreement. My day at school goes by as a blur by the time I snap out of the fog I have been in since I woke up with that weird tattoo on my arm. As the school bell rings signaling the end of the school day I head to the hospital to check on my mom but I kept on noticing a black car following me. After I got out of the car and went inside I feel the person following me. I walk fast to the front desk and ask to visit my mother. After a while of cautiously looking around to make sure the person didn't follow me in I enter my mothers' room.

"Hi, mom how are you?" I ask even though I know I'm not getting an answer. I walk towards her and kiss her forehead. "I'm going to come here every day until you get better, okay?" I sob and say goodbye after I had been there for two hours. I have to go to the house and clean and not to mention homework. Ugh! My mom would kill me if she found the house in a mess when she wakes up.

I walk out and head for the doors to my car when I see the black car that was following me, but after starting my car I notice a man in his late thirties helping what I assume to be his father. Gosh, Shady, you jump to conclusions too much, I need to stop being so paranoid.

When I arrive home I get a 'being watched' kind of feeling again. I swear I am being just paranoid but what the hell, my instincts have to be right to some degree...right? I look around but only see shadows that gave me a weird vibe. I shrug it off and walk towards my room to start cleaning there, then go throughout the house after I had made sure that all the doors and windows were closed and locked securely.

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