The Prophecy is Fulfilled

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Helen impressed everyone with how quickly she could run for her age, but she had far less energy than when she was a girl. Running in the snow made the task even more of a challenge. By the time she had reached the gates of Misthaven Castle, her legs had almost given out and her lungs were on fire. She reached out a wrinkled hand to lean against the castle wall and catch her breath.

From up above, a guard waved a lantern against the cold wind and caught sight of her. He yelled, "Old woman, you're too late! The castle has no more room. You'll have to find shelter somewhere else!"

"Please!" Helen shouted back, chest heaving, "I have an urgent message for the King and Queen!"

The guard above laughed, "You? A tired wrinkle of a peasant almost to death's door? What could you possibly have to tell the Royal Highnesses?" Helen was out of breath and could not answer as the lantern light disappeared up above. After a few moments, though, it was back, held by a different man. She could barely catch the glint of a crown on his head.

"It's your lucky night, madam. It happens that space in the castle just opened up. My guards will help you to the throne room. I want to hear what you have to say." It was King Peter himself smiling down on her.

Helen was filled with joy at her good fortune, and cried out "Your Majesty!" But the cold was too much. She fell onto her knees in the snow, barely conscious.

She didn't have to wait long. The gate creaked open and two guards in helmets, chainmail, and fur capes helped her to her feet. One wrapped his cape around her shoulders. "There there, miss, the worst is over." He said as she leaned against him. As Helen wobbled into the castle, she caught the sight of a third guard left outside with a lantern who watched sadly as the gates closed.

Beyond the gate, the roaring wind was replaced by the duller roar of a crowd. The castle grounds were full of villagers who had come for refuge from the blizzard. Families had set up tents around their carts and huddled near small fires. Helen could smell cooked meat and heard the soft melody of lutes as the people of Misthaven made merry as best they could to ignore the cold.

"James shouldn't have insulted you, especially not right as the king was in the middle of his inspection." The guard told her as they made their way through the multitudes. "Misthaven Castle is sworn to protect all of its people when danger is about, the rich and the poor. This storm is no different. Ha! He should learn his lesson after spending a night outside."

Helen wanted to chuckle, but could only cough instead. She had more important things on her mind anyway. "Many thanks to you, good sir." She wheezed.

The guard looked at her with concern. He pushed a few peasants gently and came to a barrel of clear water. He took a ladle hanging on the barrel's edge, filled it, and lifted it to her face. "Best you get your voice back before speaking to the king, milady." He said, and she drank thirstily.

"The name's Charles if anyone gives you any trouble here, by the way." The guard said as they continued towards the keep, "Can't promise I can do anything about Queen Idonea of course!" He laughed.

"You are a sweet boy, Charles. Thank you for helping an old woman. I'm Helen." She said as they entered another gate and into the keep. It was much warmer inside thanks to the many torches lining the cobblestone walls, and her energy was coming back to her. Helen needed it if she was going to convince the royal family of the true danger that had now come to Misthaven. They climbed a spiral staircase to the second level of the keep and continued down a corridor.

"Ah yes, before I forget, miss Helen, what is it that you do in our good realm?" Charles said as their footsteps echoed off the smooth stone floors of the upper level of the castle.

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