Newfound Friends

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The guards rode their horses at a slow trot to Castle Misthaven that night, leading Janis by a rope wrapped around her wrists. Many times on the way she collapsed onto the dusty ground, but she always found some strength still inside her to scramble back up to continue walking. By the time they reached the castle, she could barely keep her eyes open, she was exhausted and caked with dirt. The guards dismounted and then led her through the enormous castle doors.

Janis looked around in awe at the towering walls and buildings. The guard yanked the rope as they made their way to the keep, and then in and through an empty, cold corridor and up a spiral staircase. Janis fell again to her knees once more as the guards shoved her through another pair of doors with jeweled handles. Just then, the lead guard called out in a deep voice that echoed through the large chamber ahead of her, "We have found the child you were looking for, my Queen."

Janis looked up in horror to see Queen Idonea sitting on her wooden throne, the one beside her empty. The Queen stood and in a shrill voice called out, "The Prophecy is true! Guards, you are dismissed!"

The guards stood straight at attention and responded in unison, "Yes, your Majesty!" Then they turned, marched one by one through the doors, and disappeared.

Janis was shaking with fear as the Queen began to walk towards her. Her eyes were large, black, and unblinking as she looked the girl up and down. As she stared, Idonea said in a quiet voice, "Hair black as raven feathers, skin white as snow, and ice blue eyes." When she came within touching distance of Janis, the queen chuckled to herself and slowly reached out her perfectly manicured hand, "Perfect. What is your name, child of House Chairn?"

Janis stammered, "M-my name is J-Jane."

"Your full name, child!" The queen shouted with an angry look.

"I-I'm Janis Eva Chairn, the second born of Sir Wilhelm of House Chairn."

"Interesting... You look filthy." Queen Idonea then turned as a servant girl entered the throne room from a small side door. "Bridget," she ordered, "I want you to bathe this girl and get her dressed so that she can meet my daughter."

Bridget promptly stepped forward, curtsied, and chimed, "Yes, your Majesty." She motioned to Janis with her hands, beckoning to follow her out. Janis felt a wave of relief come over her as she left the ember-eyed queen behind.

Bridget led Janis into the bath chamber, and as she turned to face the young girl, she noticed that the ragged rope was still tied around her skinny wrists. She pulled a dagger from her dress pocket and approached her. Janis' eyes widened as she backed away and fearfully cried, "No! Don't hurt me!"

Bridget replied with surprise, "Don't be scared, child. I'm just going to cut your bonds." Janis looked down at her raw, dirty wrists as the servant quickly cut the rope and it fell to the floor.

Janis was relieved, she rubbed her sore wrist as she wept silently and looked up at Bridget. In a small voice she said, "Thank you."

The servant looked sympathetically into her eyes and nodded at a large stone basin to her right, "I've heated a bath for you. Have you bathed?"

Embarrassed, Janis responded, "No, not for a long time..." She reluctantly took off her dress and the threadbare shift underneath it.

Bridget nodded, "Get in the bathtub then, before it gets cold."

Janis stepped over the side and slowly eased herself into the warm water. The servant reached out with a pitcher. "Let me wash your hair." She said.

The warmth of the water and the kindness of the servant girl did little to calm her fear and sadness, but she appreciated the moment away from the heat of the queen's glare and only worried what would come next.

Frozen Heart: The Prophecy of Janis the Snow QueenWhere stories live. Discover now