1: No such promises

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My mom pulled up in front of Sophie's house. I watched as Sophie kissed her mom good bye, ran to our car and got in.
"Good morning Mrs. Rockelle."
"Morning Sophie. How are you?_
"Hey Sophie" I said to her.
"Hi" she replied. "Love your outfit what's the occasion?"
I looked down at my Puma crop top and my shorts then turned to her.
"What do you mean 'what's the occasion'?" I asked her .
A playful grin appered on her face. "You know what I mean."
She elbowed me lightly.
"No" I said .
Sophie then let put a groan of exasperation.
"Do you really want me to say it?"
"Say what?! How should I even know what you're saying if you won't tell me" I said.
She smiled.
"Trying to impress Mr.Gavin Magnus?"
I gasped.  My eyes went wide with shock.
"Ooh" I heard mom say. "Who is this Gavin Magnus you speak of?"
Oh no! My mind went numb. My Mom can't find out.
"Oh you see," Sophie said rather EXCITELY to mom. Sophie NO!!! "Gavin is Piper's..."
Before she could say anymore I covered her mouth and yelled.
"He's just my friend." I said with a fake smile.
"Well you could have just said so without shouting" Mom said as she made a turn onto our school street.
I laughed nervously and turned to Sophie and gave her a stern face.
"Sorry." I apologised. But she winked at me.
" Don't you dare tell mom" I whispered sternly into her ear and freed her mouth.
She smiled.

"We're here." My mom announced as she parked by the curb.
"Have fun kids"
"We will." And I kissed her on the cheek and we both got down from the car. Mom drove off a few seconds later.
I took a deep breath as I stared at my school.
Then Sophie whispered into my ear. "I make no such promises"
She told me.

To Gavin with My Heart (A Piper and Gavin Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now