Your boy

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Andy POV

" what the hell are you doing here get out" I snapped she shock her head

" we need to talk" she said I grabbed her arms trying to pull her outside

"I'm getting married Andy" she said I stopped pulling on her

" who the Fuck would Marry you" Mikey said she gave the worst look I've ever seen her give. I started laughing which made them all stare at me.

" I'm sorry it was funny." I said she rolled her eyes then looked at Rye who had shoved himself in the corner of the kitchen. Far away from us all. He was scared I would be angry at him but I wasn't.

" you look good Rye" she said I could kill her

" th-thank you " he said looking down okay now I'm mad

" oh does he why don't you go sleep with him again and show us how much of whore you are " I said then turned to walk outside

" the best friend code" Bree said I turned and looked at her we made this code when we were kids we get one a year and you have to do whatever the other person.

" you can't make me forgive you" I snapped she nodded

" I just want to talk" she said

" fine talk" I said she looked around

" not here" she said

" fine you drive I'll be back later" I said and grabbed my phone Rye came and gave me a hug

" be back soon I love you" he said I nodded

" I will be" I said and walked out the door with Bree
Soon we started driving down the road.

" he is one of my business partners we started date that night I had the function" she said

" the night after you slept with Rye you mean" I said she looked at me then pulled over

" why didn't you say it back" she said

" say what back" I said

" he said he loved you and you didn't say it back" she said

" that's none of your business" I said

" so you don't love him anymore" she said I got out of the car I couldn't handle her anymore.

" Andrew" she yelled at me as she got out of the car

" I don't know okay" I yelled

" bull you know" she snapped

" you have always known" she said

" yeah that was before he slept with you" I yelled her face went completely red

" has he ever told you anything about that night" she yelled

" no and I don't want to know" I snapped and started walking away

" then let me fill in the lines he cried" she said and I stopped

" first when he walked inside the room after talking to Mikey because he thought you had stopped loving him and went off to sleep with someone else. Then he came in the room and took of all of his clothes and I did the same " she said I just looked at her shaking my head I didn't want to hear this.I didn't want to know all the sexual details.

" then he put his tip in just his tip and he sunk to ground crying his eyes out! He didn't stop for an hour soon he fell asleep and I was so tired I never left then you come in and I told you I had feelings for him not because I didn't want you to hate me because I didn't want to you to hate him"  she yelled

" he loves you he always loved you" she said

" then why did he cheat on me I loved him" I cried

" he didn't you weren't exclusive you guys agreed on it you could have changed it but you didn't" she yelled
I just looked at her

" now you are punishing him by not saying you love him grow up" she said

" Im acting like a child I don't know if I love him anymore he broke my heart I love him so much and he hurt me" I yelled she smiled

" you said love this time not loved" she said I looked down

" so what love or loved it doesn't matter he is never gonna change" I screamed she didn't say anything so I looked at her she was nodding

" your right he isn't going to change people don't really change. He will always be the guy who hurt you and he will always be the guys you love with every inch of your body" she shrugged

" I guess you have to decided if it's worth it is worth it to you or not but I already know the answer" she said then went to her car and grabbed and invitation to her wedding. She walked back to me and handed it to me.

" I love you and I'm sorry I hope you come" She said and walked back to the car

" you're just gone leave me here" I said she smiled

" call your boy" she said and got in the car and drove away

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