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Shivaay POV

Who is she!Who is Anika Trivedi!

Watching her joyous reunion with her 'sister' made it crystal clear I had no idea who she is

Anika invokes feeling in me that I have never felt before
I want her but not just as my sons mother, I want her as a man wants a women...I want to make her mine!!

But it took this moment to realise that I have no idea who she was!I only new one part of her,the part she had freely shared with me but unfortunately for her that is not the only part I wanted

I am logical,a business man I have never done anything in my life without thinking it though, research every possible before making a choice

But with Anika all that went down the drain,I didn't want to research her,I wanted her to tell everything herself
I don't know anything about her and for the first time in my life I didn't care!

And this knowledge both frightens me and thrills me

"Anika how is soumya your sister?!" I asked confused as ever

They both looked at me slightly annoyed at the interruption
Soumya only looked at me for a second before looking at the floor

My heart broke a little as I remembered the unfair question I had asked when she first walked in

Soumya wasn't responsible for Tia wrong doings I know that but after our last talk a part of me is waiting for the next attack and when I saw soumya I reacted,badly I admit!

"We have the same mother!" Anika said shocking everyone in the room,Omru and I looked at each other speechless

Anika just looked adoringly at her sister,gently patting her cheek as if to reassure her

I indicated to everyone to sit down so we can discuss and process the information we just heard

"I can't tell you more!its not just my story to tell!" Anika said getting more comfortable on the sofa

"What you can't just drop a bomb like that and leave us hanging!" Rudra said pacing in front of them stealing glances of soumya, looking worried

"What is going on!" I thought to myself looking between rudra and soumya confused,I looked at Anika and found the same confused face

For me soumya has always been a loner,someone who never wanted to talk or play with us even if we were older than her...she seemed shy and the only person who had gotten through to her and became her friend had been rudra

But all of a sudden they had stopped being friends but I never ask why,maybe I should have cos clearly the is something I am missing her

"Its OK Didi I think its time!" Soumya softly said to anika,they held each others hand tightly

Whatever is going to be disclosed her today was very important and it seems to have had a big impact on the sisters and as I watched them cling to each other I had an overwhelming urge to stop them from talking

I didn't need to know everything about Anika,if she will be hurt by the knowledge
Anika was enough the way she is right now...I didn't need to know

"Its OK Anika!you guys don't need to tell us anything!"I said trying to defuse the tense situation

She looked at me in this eyes as if reading my heart, than she smiled,one of those smiles that tag at my heart

For a moment my heart stops than beats hard as I watch her looking me

" How?"I asked myself feeling at peace cos she looked me,"How can she not know how she makes me feel?.....

"Her one glance make me feel at peace with myself!How has she became so important in such a short time!" We looked at each other lost in our own world

Is this the " ishqbaaz' dadi keep going on about?How is it possible to feel so in control and out of control everytime Anika trivedi looked at me
Whatever is going on I am keeping it,I am keeping her

"Its OK shivaay I think it might be time!" She said giving me small smile

"The story began 20 some years ago.....

Anika POV

Soumya and I never talk about our past mainly because it is too painful but I guess this a good time than any to tell it

I watched my sister!Happiness filled me as I looked at her it been nearly a year since she left for her internship to one of them best hospitals in India

She calls almost everyday,I know here excuses for not visiting but I'm still mad she hasn't visited us since my temporary move to India

As I recalled our past I felt soumya shake alittle beside me
I looked at her giving her chance to backout after all this story affects her more than me

She leaned closer and nodded her head indicating me to continue and I was strike again by the maturity and strength she showed

"I was still very young when my father died,I don't remember much except that they loved each other very much,but after he died his family disown my mother and me...I was only just a girl after all.... support us she moved to Mumbai and got a job as a maid at Kapoor Mansion, everything was finally getting together when My mother caught the eye of Mr Akshat Kapoor,Tia's father...

..My mother had been working there for about year and in that time Tia and I had been closer than anyone...we three were a family,Even though Tia was the princess of KM she was alone cos both her parents loved to travel leaving her behind... my mother became hers till Akshat Kapoor returned
He called it love, My mother called it obsession...

...for months he followed her, begging for her love and she always rejected him which angered him more

"You was just a maid you should be glad that someone of my statues even wanted you"he had said brutality after my mother rejected him again

"Things went bad to worse when Mrs Kapoor came back,My mother thought that now his wife was back he might back off but he didn't and things were made worse by the fact that Mrs Kapoor thought my mother was trying to steal her husband and her daughter,she was no help to my mother... was impossible for her to quit the Kapoors paid for my school and livelihood, so she kept her head down for months being stalked by AK and humiliated by his wife who had in months changed the loving,softhearted Tia into a cruel,spoiled little who thought of us not as family anymore but intruders who wanted to take her father from her,to take everything from her!"I said walking to the window to look outside in the garden,the pain of seeing my mother suffer at the hands of the kapoors was devastating but to see someone I had considered my sister turn their backs on me,calling me names..humiliating me in front of her friends had broken my young heart

I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't hear shivaay cross the room till I felt his body heat behind me,I knew it was him because of the tingles that run up and down my body every time he is near me

"Its OK Anika!" He said he pulled me to him,his arm around my waist somehow giving me strength and courage

It hard to face up to ones past but I have to and with shivaay on my side I feel like I can face thousands more hurtful things and come out stronger!

So I leaned back to him for the moment he is all I need!all I want ...his touch takes away my pain,his presents shows me I am not alone
And at that moment I let him be my anchor!My home!

Everyone I'm sorry I accidentally publish an unfinished chapter... I wanted to give to guys more than this but I'll do that in next chapter!

Sorry for wrong spelling I fast edited

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