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Anika POV

Joy bubbled up inside of me and for a moment I was overwhelmed!

I am getting married to Shivaay Singh Oberoi! A man whose arrogance is bigger than half the population!

A man in truth I wanted to slap from the day I met his till today and yet I have never been happier

But underneath all my happiness I felt a sliver of doubt.
Can I truly be happy with him?!Will he stand for me when I can't stand for myself?Do I deserve him??

Sometimes when I look at him I see this look of adoration in his eyes that leaves me momentarily speechless,His kanji eyes always reassure me......

Cos there I see myself the way he sees me!Perfect!
And I want to be that person for him,I want to give myself wholeheartedly to him.....but the fear of pain and betrayal is holding me back

At that moment I made silent vows for both Shivaay and myself that I will :

-Always love him as he loves me
-Stand as his shield
-Protect him for any pain or sorrow
-Cry with him when all we can do is cry
-Fight with him when he is being stupid
-Stand by him though thick and thin
-And love him!only him in every lifetime!

These are my vows to him!These  are my vows to myself and I will die before breaking any of them

"You and I forever!" Shivaay said snapping me out of my thought,I looked at him and found him staring at me with worry and regret in his eyes

I looked at him confused and saw him holding my mangalsutra in his hand and a sad smile on his face

That when understood!He has misunderstood my silence as doubt and he was at that moment in front off his whole family and the media that was invited giving me an out!

He was giving me a choice to either marry him now or just get up and leave him at the dais to face any humiliation and ridicule that might come

Choice!Some man take this for granted but the is nothing more important than being given 'a choice' to a women!

It shows he respect me enough to let make my decisions myself,is shows his regret for emotionally blackmailing me to marry him

Cos in that moment he is offering me a new slate!With no anger,doubt or regret... just love and acceptance

I smile at him,agreeing to a new beginning with him,my love for him shining in my eyes for all to see,"You and I forever.......and always!"I said joy once again overflowing, it was moments like these when I knew beyond any doubts that shivaay and I will be happy always

He laughed at loud shocking some guests,a laugh filled with joy,relief and promise as he slowly put on my Mangalsutra

"I am never letting you go!" He whispered to me

"I hope so!" I thought to myself as he pulled me to my feet,smiling down at me like he had somehow won the biggest lottery in his life

Now was official Mrs Anika Shivaay Singh Oberoi and at the moment I couldn't be happier

I married the man I have come to love with everything in me after all

Applause went around the room,flowers thrown as celebration of our Union

Tears of happiness ran down my eyes at the love and acceptance I received from the Oberoi family, each family member giving a hug as a welcome,except one!

"You are mine now!" Shivaay whispered again as he pulled me to him,closer than it was appropriate in from of his family

I pulled away embarrassed, "Shivaay!" I hissed at him trying to get out of his hold

MY SON'S MOTHER(UNEXPECTED LOVE)Where stories live. Discover now