The feud

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This was supposed to be a one shot but I got over 2000 words and am nowhere near done


"Where the hell are your siblings?" My friend Gerard asked, looking for a song.

"Hell if I know. Play your demo you coward! I'm gonna go find them." I get out of the car while he plays bang bang by Green Day. I can hear it from the car even after I close the door.

I go into my younger siblings school. It's a catholic school but I'm an atheist so after a lot of persuasion my parents let me go to the public school.

"Hey! You! That's against dress code!" I take a deep breath but keep walking. "You! In the leather jacket! Dressed like a hooligan!"

"What the hell do you want?" I turn.

"Excuse me! Detention!"

"Don't go here. I'm just here for my brother and sister." I go back to trying to find wherever my brother just texted me to go. I hear snickering. "Problem?" There's a boy around my age but looks like your average preppy private school kid.

"What're you here for? Gonna spray paint the library?"

"You wish you could do something that awesome." I keep walking. I still hear him talking to his friends about me.

"Ryan And Sarah?" The person called when I asked for them. This is like fucking daycare or something.

They came over and I brought them to my car. After telling Gerard to turn the music down and then to fuck himself when he didn't, did it myself, and helped them into the car.


Because I pick them up every day I see that dude and his friends every day. I eventually learn his names Pete. Or conversation normally goes like this:

"Hey! You emo band reject!"

"Fuck off!"

And I get my sister and brother and be on my merry fucking way. Not today though.

I pull up with Gerard in the passenger seat and Mikey in the back. After I drop my sister and brother off we're gonna go to a gig they managed to score. We're obviously blasting st jimmy, because that's the only way to listen to it.

I climb out of the car and am immediately shoved against the door.

"The hell you playing that trash for?" Its Pete or whatever his name is.

"I don't know. I'd rather not hear your voice though. You're the one who walked over here." I push him away from me and see his friends and a girl at a table in the distince. "Aww you tryin to impress her?" I gesture to the table.

"Fuck off good for nothing punk." He tries shoving me harder.

"Please. I've heard worse." I roll my eyes and keep going. He grabs hold of the back of my leather jacket and pulls. "Hey!" I think I got the way brothers attention. I doubt he's expecting two guys dressed like me, one wearing heavy eyeliner and making it work and the other a fucking beanstalk to come out.

"The hell you doing kid?" I know we're all roughly the same age but Gerard does seem older.

"Calm down. He's barely strong enough to push me." I laugh. "I'll be right back. Put on something little kid friendly please?" Knowing They won't and i probably come back to something bad I pick up my siblings.


"Who is that guy anyway?" Gerard asks on the way to the gig. We dropped off Ryan and Sarah.

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