Fighting till the sun goes down

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I. Hate. Being. Sick.

Me: where are y'all?

Mikes: mine

Me: sweet, I'll drop by in a little bit to get the story

Bastard: pick up some bandaids these fuckers ran out

Me: sure

I go home and take a quick shower and change. On the way I go to the convenience store and see pete and Patrick. They don't seem to recognize me because I have a hoodie pulled up, and my face is probably hard to see.

"No Pete! I love him! I'm not telling you anything else."

"Come on Patrick, you're our secret weapon. If you can bring him down then his whole group goes down. They rely on each other so much, if we wreck one then we wreck them all."

"They're not that bad. You just have to get to know them."

I'm just standing there, staring at the drinks.

"Come on Patrick. You're gonna dump his punk ass anyway, what's the point?"

I can't breathe. Trying to ignore the rest of the conversation I grab all our favorite drinks and a few boxes of bandaids. I won't cry over him. The cashier makes some small talk but I give short one word answers, deepening my voice and staying quiet.

I start the drive to Gerard and Mikey's house. I won't cry over him. I get a text and check my phone. It's from Patrick. I put it down just in time to sverve out of the way of a 18 wheeler. I pull and try to calm down. I just almost fucked died. I carefully continue the drive to their house and when I get there my hands are still shaking. They're all joking but when they see me they look concerned.

"What's wrong?" Frank ask.

"Patrick's fucking using me. For Pete to hurt us." My voice is bitter and hard.

"Oh god Y/N!" The pile onto my in a group hug.

"And the fucker texted me and I almost got hit by a truck checking my phone."

"Holy shit Y/N!" Mikey exclaims.

"Ice cream, lots of ice cream." Gerard says and goes into his kitchen. He comes back with a few bowls and spoons.

"Go wild. I'll put in a movie." Ray says. He puts in Captain America: civil war and we sit near each other to watch.

We fall asleep, movie playing in the background and bowls scattered around us.


We skip school that week. I get one of the guys to pick up Ryan and Sarah. I haven't answered any of Patrick's calls and texts. He acts like he's worried but I know he's not. I hate how much I care but I have trouble sleeping and when I saw the photo of him sleeping on me on my phone I broke. Ray had to delete it from my phone.

"Come on, we're getting you a rebound." This is a tradition too. Most of the time whoever broke up doesn't find a rebound but it's still fun to hang out with them and get drunk. Gerard throws his leather jacket at me and a pair of black jeans.

I get dressed and Gerard puts some eyeliner on me. "No one 'll be able to resist you." Frank says when we walk into the living room.

"Fuck off dumbass." The only other ones wearing eyeliner is Gerard and frank.

Gerard's designated driver so he drives us to a party. The four of us who can drink get completely wasted. I familiar voice interrupts my conversation with a guy named Brendon whos definitely making himself familiar, not that I'm not doing the same. "Y/N?"

Romeo and the prep {Patrick stump x reader}Where stories live. Discover now