Im wrapped around his finger

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I'm home sick and feel awful so escaping into a fictional world seemed as good idea


Me and Patrick've been on a few more dates, and he knows the guys. They like him.


"Y/N! Your boyfriends calling!"

"Huh?" A phones shoved in my face and I put it up to my ear. "Hello?" Its still ringing.

"Answer it. Idiot." Frank's laughing at me.

"Fuck off." I do and say "hello?" Again.

"Hey! You wanna come with me and some friends to a party later? You can bring your friends!"

"Yeah! What time?"

"Starts a six. I'll text you the address. Love you!" He hangs up. Holy shit he said love you. God damn he's everything I've ever wanted in a guy. Or a girl for that matter.

"We're goin to a party tonight cancel your plans to be dumb bitches and be drunk dumb bitches!" I say

"Hell yeah!"

We lounge around and watch tv until 4:30. We get ready to go (get me out of my mind) and I put the address Patrick texted me into my gps. When we get there it's in full swing. "Don't forget its your turn as designated driver mikes!" I yell as I get out of the car he groans but agrees.

"Y/N!" I find Patrick.

"Hey! I'm gonna go get some drinks, wait here."

I lean against a wall and go on my phone.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Aw fuck.

"Boyfriend invited me. The fuck are you didn't here?"

"It's my friends party." Pete says.

"Well fuck off. I have just as much a right to be here as you."

"Hey Y/N! Got drinks!" Patrick comes back.

"This is the guy you said you were bringing? You're dating fucking Y/N?" Pete yells.

"Wait a second you're friends with this motherfucker!" Aw fuck. Now I realize where I saw him before. He never fought us but I've definitely seen him hanging out with Pete.

"You're the Y/N that Pete's always complaining about?" Patrick asks me.


"Come on Patrick let's go." He pulls him away. Patrick looks regretful.

I gather up the guys and we go back to frank's house. I tell them what happened.

"That's fucked up. You really liked him huh?" gerard says.


"Pete be damned. Call him." Mikey says, taking my phone.

"Mikes no! He probably hates me now, Pete obviously complains about me all the time."

"Too late."

"Hey Y/N. Meet me where we had our first date. Gotta go. Love you." He hangs up.

"That's was quick." I sigh.

"Let's go!" Mikey's driving and makes his way over to the barns and nobles.

"Fine. But y'all better be close by."

"Don't worry your pretty little head about it Y/N."

"Fuck off frank."


Romeo and the prep {Patrick stump x reader}Where stories live. Discover now