Chapter 12: Freed

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Luigi felt the airship come to a stop. He felt safe to get off. He saw the Koopalings carrying a giant trophy off towards a room.
Luigi began to follow. He'd noticed the door left open slightly, so Luigi quickly followed before it was closed. The Koopalings put the trophy into a display case of some sort. Luigi waited for all of them to leave. Luigi looked to see more display cases, each with a little plaque displaying the what was inside. Luigi read the first one. It read "Crystal Stars."
"No way," Luigi wondered out loud. Sure enough, all seven Crystal Stars were in the display case. The next one read "Chaos Emeralds." For once, Luigi was glad Shadow was with them. He'd been the protector of the Emeralds. The next one read "Ocarina of Time" Luigi looked to see a small blue plastic object. He wasn't sure what it was. The next one said "Triforce" Luigi saw three triangles put together to make a bigger triangle, with a hole in the middle the shape of a triangle.
"Too many triangles," Luigi groaned. Luigi kept searching. He read titles like "F-Zero GP Trophy," "Star Rod," and the last one confused him. It read "Smash Ball"
"Smash Ball?" Luigi thought. He then noticed a small picture next to it. It was a ball of many different colors, having some blue and purple. In the center was and oddly shaped t.
"I need to leave," Luigi thought. He hurried to leave, only to see the cages hanging from the ceiling. He hadn't noticed, assuming they were chandeliers. He flew up to see the cages. The insides of the cages, were a terror. Mario. Falco. Sonic. Link. All lined up, in statue form.
"I have to free them! But... how?" Luigi thought. He noticed the chains holding the cages. Luigi got an idea. He quickly began to spin. The speed of the cape caused it to act like a sharp knife, cutting the chain. Mario's cage fell to the ground and smashed. The statue was left unscathed, just the cage in pieces. Luigi did the same for the Sonic's, Falco's, and Link's cage. Soon, they stood before Luigi.
"Now, to turn them back! But, how?" Luigi wondered. He flew to yellow stand Mario was on. He landed.
"Maybe if I...," Luigi never finished, because in that instant, Mario's statue flashed. Suddenly, Mario was sitting down in his cage!
"Ugh... Where am I, and how did I get here?" Mario asked to basically nobody. His mind went back to the battle against Mewtwo. Spin jumping onto Mewtwo, Mewtwo dodging, and finally the Dark Cannon. Meanwhile, Luigi got busy, he stood on the pedestals of Falco, Sonic, and Link. They all sat up.
"Ugh, what happened?"
"D-did I crash?"
"Wait, Sonic? Falco? Link? What are you guys doing here?" Mario asked.
"We could ask you the same thing," Sonic said, shaking his head.
"This must be the place where Mewtwo took us. And where Wolf took Link," Falco said.
"Well, now that's out of the way, We need to get out of here," Mario said.
"But how? There's obviously pretty tight security around here. There's no way to leave without getting caught," Falco said.
"Crud, you're right," Sonic said.
"Well, we can't just sit here," Mario said. At that moment, Luigi, fed Mario, Sonic, Falco, and Link a mini mushroom. They all shrunk. No one seemed to notice at the moment.
"Hey, how'd that cage get so big?" Falco asked, obviously confused.
"I think the better question is, how'd we get so small?" Mario asked.
"Shhhhh! Keep quiet, you'll be turned to bugs!" Luigi said from above.
"Wait, Luigi? They got you to too?"Mario asked.
"I followed a Koopa airship into a portal, and it brought me here. We need to leave."
"Right. So where we headed next?"
"Not sure."
"Hold on. Fox, come in!" Falco said. Eventually, a hologram of Fox appeared.
"Falco! You're not a statue anymore!"
"Luigi came and rescued Mario, Sonic, Link, and myself."
"Oh Luigi. I-I didn't notice you leave."
"Oh yeah, I left when you went into that daze."
"Yeah, let's not talk about it right now."
"Okay, where are you guys now?"
"We met someone new. His name is Captain Falcon. Shadow used his Chaos Control ability to send our arwings back to the Great Fox. He has a flying vehicle. It's like a flying limo."
"Okay, where are you now?"
"We just entered the portal. We're headed to our next destination!"
"Roger that," Falco finished.
"Well, what are waiting for?" Sonic asked.
"Let's-a-go!" Mario said. Our heroes bolted toward to what Luigi said was the portal. Mario had Link split a super mushroom five ways, and the five were eventually back to normal size. They jumped through the portal. As they flew through, they noticed a giant flying device. It looked like a golden bird.
"That must be it!" Mario cried. Our heroes landed on top. On the inside, Fox gave Falcon the cue, and our five went inside. Our heroes were reunited once again.

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