1 (The Fellowship of the Ring)

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Hello readers I have been searching for a fanfiction about an orc who helps the fellowship destroy the one ring and sadly I have found none. So I thought to myself why not I make my own as a crossover of Skyrim and Lord of the Rings with my character Shima and add a few other characters from Skyrim. So I hope everyone enjoys this. I am working on the first chapter and it give me the excuse of rewatching the Lord of the Rings series. This will be based off slightly of memory but mostly of the movies for I have not read any of the books. But it will be slow updates because I would be rewatching the movies and writing everything down so you have been warned.


Outside Lakeview Manor, an orc named Shima who wore her nightingale armor was watching her two eight year old children play tag with her housecarl Lydia. Shima had her amulet of Mara hidden underneath her armor; she was about kill a group of bandits that were tormenting the roads near Falkreath as she wanted to spend time with her children for the day before she left.

Her daughter Lucia ran up to the young female orc, "Mama, Brynjolf's back!" Lucia informed, pointing at a red haired man walking toward Lakeview Manor. Pushing herself off the wall she was leaning against as she went to greet Brynjolf.

"Brynjolf, it's good to see you!" Shima greeted her mentor and friend as she shakes hands with him, "Does the guild have need of me?"

"No the guild doesn't need your services, but am I not allowed to visit the Guild Master and my favorite student?" Brynjolf jokingly asked, sending Shima his famous smirk as she rolled her blue eyes at him.

"I was your only student, Bryn. You're only here to cause trouble with Blaise, again. I am having hard enough time trying to keep him out of trouble. No thanks to you," Shima stated with an unamused stare at her mentor as crossed her arms.

"Boys will be boys, lass," Brynjolf saw that Shima was unimpressed with his response, "Fine, fine you win, lass. I will make sure not to cause trouble with Blaise," the young orc woman nod her head satisfaction from his answer, "For today."

"Brynjolf!" Shima yelled in disbelief at her mentor's antics as he laughed at her reaction as she muttered under her breath, "You're impossible."

"Careful, Brynjolf, you don't want an angry mother Dragonborn," Lydia warned as she joined the two thieves since she was done playing tag with the children, "Plus she hasn't been sleeping well this past week."

Waving her hand dismissively at Brynjolf's worried expression, "There is nothing to worry about, Bryn, I'm just having some nightmares of Alduin and Mercer," Shima told her two friends.

Her two adoptive children decided to do their chores while the adults were in deep conversation as they did not notice the swirling vortex behind Blaise. Lucia noticed something was behind Blaise, she turned to see the swirling vortex, "M-Mama, what is that?" Lucia fearfully asked, pointing at the vortex as the three adults and Blaise turned around to see the portal.

"Lucia, Blaise, get behind us! NOW!" Shima ordered, unsheathing her nightingale blade, prepared to fight anything that came out of the vortex. An invisible force began to pull Lucia and Blaise toward the portal, "LUCIA! BLAISE!" Shima screamed, scared for her children's safety, she quickly sheathed her sword as she launched herself toward Lucia who was closest. Shima took a hold of her daughter as she tried to reach for Blaise but Brynjolf caught her son and held Blaise close to his body while Lydia was struggling to break free from the invisible force that was holding her in place. The two thieves tried to break free from this invisible force's grasp; both Brynjolf and Shima saw that no matter what they did they were still being pulled toward the portal. Brynjolf saw in Shima's eyes was fear, fear for her children, they told the children to close their eyes as the four were pulled into the portal.

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