2 (The Fellowship of the Ring)

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Shima felt like her entire world was spinning out of control, she gently rubs her forehead with her bound hands and closed her eyes in discomfort from a headache because of the reality of the situation that Shima and everyone who came with her are in. "You have mentioned about a portal, is that how you, the children and your friend arrived?" Elrond questioned.

"Yes, Lord Elrond, I was outside my home in Falkreath watching my children play tag with my housecarl Lydia before I left to go hunt down some bandits that were attacking travelers on the roads," Shima explained as she felt mentally exhausted.

Elrond was studying the young orc who could be no older than eighteen or nineteen years old as he saw how tired she looked from learning that she, her friend and two children were not in their homeland. "Sit, I would like to learn more about you and your homeland orc- Shima," Elrond quickly corrected himself as he saw that she was different than any orc he has ever faced but that is because she is from a different world.

"You don't have to say my name if it makes you feel uncomfortable," Shima told Elrond with a reassuring smile as she knew that he is not use to her being kind while showing respect toward others since he despised orcs.

"No, I will address you by your name, Shima, for you are not from Middle Earth," Elrond stated, Shima nod her head in understanding, "Now please tell me about yourself." She began telling her story to Elrond and his two guards about how she was captured by imperials for crossing the border hoping to make a new life for herself as she was sent to Helgen to be executed when a dragon attacked and Helgen was destroyed, she helped a stormcloak named Ralof as she helped his sister warn the Jarl of Whiterun about Riverwood being in danger of the dragon. After informing the Jarl, she helped the Jarl's mage find a dragonstone from Bleakfalls Barrow, Shima then had to kill her first dragon at one of Whiterun's watchtowers while learning that she was the dragonborn, she even traveled to the Greybeards who are masters of the thu'um as she traveled across Skyrim, she also helped the Blades an order of dragonslayers who found Alduin's wall where it told the story of his defeat while learning that the Greybeards master is a dragon named Paarthurnax, Shima made a short truce with the stormcloaks and imperials so that she could defeat Alduin and the Blades wanted her to kill Paarthurnax. She refuses to kill Paarthurnax even though he did work for Alduin, he did saw the error of his ways as he choose to train the Greybeards about the thu'um, she even told Elrond about how she got to Sovngarde and defeated Alduin as he won't ever return. Shima then told of her next adventure as she joined a group called the thieves guild and how she became Guild Master while lastly how she built her home and adopted Lucia and Blaise.

After Shima was done telling her story, she gazed at Elrond since his face was unreadable as he stared off into the distance thinking about what she has told him, but Shima knew his two guards were put on edge about her having a powerful shout and her being a thief. Elrond returned his gaze to Shima who thought she will be sent to his dungeon as a precaution because he just met her but she wanted him to promise her that her family and friend would be safe before he sent her there. "Send word to Gandalf immediately and prepare a room for our guest, Shima," Lord Elrond ordered as she and the two guards were surprised but the guards left to fulfill their lord's wishes and not question his reasoning.

"May I speak, Lord Elrond?" Shima asked, she gazed at him in confusion as Elrond nod his head for Shima to continue, "Why would you treat me as a guest and not the one thing you despise?"

Sighing his face turned serious, "I will admit that it is hard for me not to see you as a heartless monster that kills for Sauron," he confessed.

"Will........will you please teach me about Middle Earth's history and its lands, along with its dangers?" Shima asked as Lord Elrond saw that she was trying to soothe the pain on her bound wrists but to no avail. Rising from his seat, Elrond approached Shima as he removed the rope that was binding her hands as it left a red marks underneath her gauntlets, "Thank you," she thanked, gently rubbing her wrists to soothe the pain. Her mind wondered off while she continued rubbing her sore wrists as she tried to think of a way to return back to Skyrim or find the source of the portal. She snapped out of her thoughts from the study's door opening to reveal the guard who scoffed at her has returned.

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