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The Cuban pulled down the little hatch to the attic, she pulled the latter down and climbed up slowly.

She held a flashlight looking around the room for the light, finally she found the string turning the dim lights on.

She looked through boxes mostly finding photo albums, old photos and toys. There was a few old dresses from when Camila was little, and a few of her nursery books.

She found a box filled with old pictures, journals and books that she had never seen before. It was labeled Luna, she shrugged her shoulders and sat the box on the floor. She dusted it off before sitting on the floor and opening the box.

The tiny brunette first found one of her old books, The Great Gatsby. She loved that book, something about hope, loneliness, money, and much more made her love it. Why was it even in this box anyways?

She pulled out a few pictures and a few journals. There were old pictures of her parents from the times they didn't live in Moon Falls. Pictures of her grandparents and even great grandparents.

Mixed in seemed to be a picture of the town's founder, confused she turned the photo around. There was nothing written expect a date of which the photo was taken written in black inc.

"Camila, are you up there!" She heard her father call "yes, papi!" She shouted back "what are you doing there?" He asked looking up into the attic "Uh, nothing I was just looking for something." The Cuban quickly grabbed a few pictures and notebook and threw them into her bag.

"I was just looking for this" Camila said coming down the latter holding her old Great Gatsby book. "Didn't your mother buy you a new one?" Her father asked "yes, but the old one holds so many memories and I underlined so many things that I couldn't remember." Camila answered quickly coming up with something.

She ran back to her bedroom before her father could get another word in.

Ariana stood arms crossed waiting for her best friend. "Have you seen Camila?" She asked Leo "last time I saw her, she was sitting with Shawn" he replied. "Hey, Shawnyboy!" The Italian shouted getting the Canadian's attention. "Shawnyboy?" He asked walking over to the girl.

"New nickname, get used to it" Ariana said "okay" Shawn replied. "Where's Camila?" She asked him "I don't know" Shawn answered "last time I saw her, she was leaving the auditorium, she doesn't want anything to do with me" he added.

"What do you mean?" Leo asked, he could definitely tell his cousin liked this boy. Why would she stop talking to him? "She just said we should stay away from each other" Shawn said looking away. "What?" Ariana said "we have to go find her, come on guys."

Ariana grabbed the boys arms dragging them out of the building, "you're driving us to her house" she told Shawn. "What, why?" He asked

"Because we need to talk to her and you have a car. Come on, don't make me hurt you."

"Trust me, just do it Mendes" Leo said

"Fine, just shut up and get in the car."

"You guys stay here and I'll be back!" Ariana shouted running up to Camila's house. "Is Camila here?" She asked once Mrs. Cabello opened the door "up in her room"

"Thank you!"

The Italian girl ran up the stairs opening Camila's bedroom door. "What the hell!" The Cuban shouted shoving the book she was holding in her bag. "Why are you here?" Camila asked harshly "what's up with you?" Ariana asked entering the room.

"Nothing" her best friend mumbled "Mila, I know when you're lying" Ariana said. "I'm not" the tiny brunette said "yes, you are! You even told Shawn you didn't like him."

"Because I don't" Camila answered

"Yes you do! I know you do!"

"You look at him and you smile, he talks to you and you blush."

"Stop! Ariana, I don't like him!"

"Why can't you admit you like him?" The Italian asked "as if you know how to admit your feelings to someone! You and Leo you for example."

"Why would I take advice from you anyway! You can't even keep a boy, does the name-"

"Don't say it" Ariana cut her off "just because you're upset, doesn't mean you have to make us all feel bad."

"I'm just trying to help you."

Ariana gave her friend one last look before turning and leaving the bedroom. She took a deep breath before rushing down the stairs.

"What happened?" Leo asked watching the girl run outside "Nothing, she's being complicated" Ariana said. "Let me talk to her" Leo replied "no, she's already mad, she'll just say hurtful things to you."

Camila walked over to the balcony looking down at her friends. She could hear every word.

"Let me talk to her then" Shawn said "her parents won't let you, trust me" Leo said. "Can someone explain to me why you're family hates me so much? I haven't even met her parents!"

The three of them continued to fight, she couldn't bare to listen to it anymore. She had to get out of here, she quickly collected her things, she couldn't go out the front door. Her friends would see her and her parents would ask questions.

Looks like she was going to climb down the balcony once again. They couldn't see her, hopefully they wouldn't hear her either.

"Here goes nothing" Camila spoke to herself.

"Shit" she mumbled, landing on her butt once she jumped down from the banister. The other three turned around trying to figure where the noise had came from. Camila quickly ducked behind a bush "what was that?" Leo asked "does it matter?" Ariana replied rolling her eyes, she still wasn't happy.

"Let's just go." Ariana said walking back over to the car. Shawn and Leo turned and looked at each other "she just needs to calm down" Leo said.

"Bring her home safety, I'm gonna talk to Camila."

The tiny brunette eyes widen as Leo began to enter her home. As soon The Canadian boy's car drove off, Camila picked herself up running off to who knows where.

"Camila?" Leo questioned knocking on the bedroom door "I know you're upset, just talk to me" he said. He tried again, but no answer "I'm coming in, Mila."

He opened the door, but the young Cuban girl was nowhere to be seen. There was no way for her to escape without them seeing her. Leo quickly walked out to the balcony "so that noise was her dumbass falling" he said to himself.

The male Cuban shook his head once he saw a figure running across the street. It had to be his cousin.

I'm pretty sure I used all the gifs I had from the beautiful music video and I'm too lazy to make more lol

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I'm pretty sure I used all the gifs I had from the beautiful music video and I'm too lazy to make more lol. Enjoy this one of Shawn!

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