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"IF YOU CAN'T hang with Jesus, then you can't hang with Jamal." Mami scoffs at Ruby as she rolls her eyes.

I snort and nod my head. "You tell him ma," I say through spoonfuls of my cinnamon toast crunch. She looks towards me and narrows her eyes.

"I don't know why you're talking. Both of you enjoy your day inside." Mom says in a final tone before walking into her room. Ruby and I give each other a look and sigh loudly.

"Well, I don't care. I was going to spend my day inside anyway." I shrug as I stand up with my bowl in my hand and head towards the kitchen.

Ruby groans and follows me. "But Camilla you never leave your room, ever. Let's go out today!"

"And do what?" I clench my jaw, dropping the bowl in the sink and spinning around to face him. "I can't see my boyfriend so what else can I do?"

"You have a boyfriend?" Amber gasps, startling both of us. I completely forgot she was sitting there. "What's he like?"

I chew on my bottom lip, glancing between my younger brother and my older brother's baby mama. "He's... really great. I love him, but I'm not allowed to see him anymore." I sigh, leaning against the counter and staring down at the ground. "I don't think he wants to see me anymore either," I mumble under my breath.

"Cami you know mami's just looking out for you. He was different around you but that doesn't mean that he's a good person. Sure he was better than Elijah but I just don't understand your obsession with gangbangers." Ruby rambles, earning himself a glare from me.

"Who's Elijah?" Amber asks curiously.

The bathroom door opens and the three of us look over just in time to see Mario walking out with a curious look. "Why are we talking about that cabrón?" Mario sighs as Amber looks around with her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

I groan, "We're not talking about him!"

"Why don't we spend the day together? We haven't done that in a while." Mario suggests, swiftly changing the subject. He's right, I can't remember the last time the two of us hung out alone. I spent the entire summer locked up in my room before he left for college and looking back at it, I regret that. I should've spent more time with him.

I shake my head as I push myself off the counter. "Mami said we have to stay inside all day." I roll my eyes and sigh, walking out of the kitchen and towards Olivia and I's room. I mean my room. It's just my room now.

"She won't mind if you're with me. She'll be glad that you left your room for once." Mario argues, rushing towards my bedroom door and blocking the entrance, so I can't go inside.

I fold my arms over my chest, raising an eyebrow at my older brother. "What the hell are we going to do anyway Mario? There's nothing to do in Freeridge."

He scratches the back of his neck and looks over at Ruby for an idea. "Uh I don't know, maybe go out and get some ice cream and just talk? I know I haven't been around for a while, but I wanna know everything that happened while I was gone."

"Nothing happened while you were gone! I just dated Oscar, that's it!" I exclaim, my arms falling from their position over my chest and hanging by my sides instead.

"Cami get dressed, we're spending the day together," Mario says in a final tone, sounding a lot like our mother. I glare at him, exhaling a deep breath and pushing him out of the way so I can enter my room.

"Ugh fine!"

"SO, I'VE HEARD Elijah's name floating around a lot lately. What's up with that? I thought you two were done done." Mario asks as we walk down the street together, holding ice cream cones in our hands.

I suck in a sharp breath and shrug my shoulders. I don't even know what's going on with us. He's been texting me and checking up on me to make sure that I'm okay, ever since I woke up. It's weird, he's never cared this much about me before. "We are done. We just text occasionally."

Mario rolls his eyes. "If you're talking to him then you aren't done. Why are you talking to him anyway?"

Good question. That's a really fucking good question. "I don't know, he's different. He's giving me more attention and he actually cares. It's like he got his shit together. But it's Elijah we're talking about. He'll go back to his fuckboy ways in like two weeks." That's not an entire lie. He's been apologizing for what happened that night every single day. I know that I shouldn't forgive him, and I haven't. Yet.

Mario sighs and looks over at me with a sad expression on his face. "I should've talked to you more often instead of leaving you alone to deal with all of this. Cami, I'm so sorry."

I give him a tight-lipped smile and shrug my shoulders once again. "It's okay Mario. You were busy with college, I get it."

"No, it's not okay." He stops walking, and I stop as well. "I'm your older brother. I'm supposed to protect you from stupid guys like Elijah that are going to break your heart. But lately, I've been such a shitty brother, and I just want you to know that I love you. I'll always be here for you."

My lips lift into a smile as I wrap my arms around his shoulders and pull him into a tight hug. "I love you too Mario, and you're not a shitty brother. You're the best brother in the entire world."

We step away from each other with smiles on our faces and continue walking down the street, eating ice cream and talking about random things. That is until I hear familiar loud Spanish music. Oscar always used to blast music in his car.

I look over my shoulder and sure enough, his bright red car is cruizing down the street with the windows rolled down. My heart basically stops beating as I abruptly stop walking. I haven't seen him in weeks. I miss his stupid ass so fucking much.

But instead of slowing down and stopping, he drives past me as if I'm not even there.

I blink several times as my mouth falls open. Did he really just do that? There's no fucking way he just drove past me and pretended that I don't exist. Is this supposed to be a joke?

"Mario he just-" I turn around to face him with wide eyes as I breathe heavily. "Why did he do that? Didn't he see me? He hasn't answered any of my calls or texts and the one time that I see him, he pretends that I don't fucking exist!" I exhale a breathy chuckle and run my hand through my hair. "What's his fucking problem?!"

"Cami, mom told him to leave you alone. She basically broke up with him for you." Mario sighs, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and attempting to lead the way back to our house. "He has no choice."

I totally haven't heard that one before. He didn't have a choice when Cesar was jumped into the gang either. Poor Oscar never has a choice.

"I hate him and I want nothing to do with him," I mumble angrily as we walk up our driveway. "Tell your 'friend' that I fucking hate him and that he's an asshole. He's always saying that the Prophets are shit, well the Santos are no better! I'm officially a Prophets girl again!" I shout bitterly, storming into the house and then going straight to my room.

Fuck Oscar. I'm going to show him what he's missing.

I throw the ice cream cone in the trash can and pull my phone out of my back pocket. I clear my throat as I sit down on the edge of my bed and call an extremely familiar number. "Elijah, hey!" I say, forcing myself to sound happy. "Let's meet up."

A/N : Elijah's going to be in this book way more than he was in the last one and idk how y'all are going to react to that. and I know I haven't actually brought Oscar into the book yet but, he'll show up soon don't worry. and when he does, it'll be a very dramatic entrance. I think. I haven't written that far yet.

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